Chapter 1

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   Tonight, possibly, could be one of the most embarrassing moments of Jellyfish's life.

    Not the worst, though. There was plenty of that that already happened, and going to the end-of-school dance was certainly not one of them.

   "Emeralds or moonstones?" Jasmine chirped, holding a pair of necklaces in either talon. She danced around Jellyfish's room, the chained anklets she wore clinking.

   "Moonstones," Bermuda said placidly, filing a claw to sharpen it. "It complements your light green scales."

    Jasmine put the necklace on and checked herself in the mirror. "Yeah, moonstones. Thanks, Bermuda." 

    "Aren't you dressing up, Jellyfish?" Bermuda asked, blowing the dust off of her claw and looking at the hybrid. "It's the last dance we'll go to, probably."

    "I'm not going with anyone," Jellyfish sighed.

    "You can go with us, as friends. That's what we're all doing with the other two dumbasses." Bermuda said.

    The other two dumbasses were their friends Cloudy the IceWing and Jeweldreamer, a mind-reading NightWing. The friends were all going as a group together, but Jellyfish really wished she had someone special to take to the dance.

    "I know, I might," she said glumly.

    "Don't sweat it about being dateless," Bermuda said, patting Jellyfish's back. "You're way too hot for all of the idiots in school anyways."

    "Oh, alright, genius," Jellyfish grinned. "Then tell me about how many dragons asked you to the dance."

    Bermuda shoved her shoulder affectionately, laughing. "Try that with Jasmine or Cloudy. They practically had a parade following them."

    Jellyfish strode over to her jewelry box. It wouldn't hurt to go. This doesn't have to be a epic dramatic love saga or anything, just having fun with friends.

    She took out a black choker with blazing orange studs and clipped two large hoop earrings into her ears. A shimmery dark rose and purple and black cape fit around her shoulders, and Jellyfish slipped some chain decor on the tops of her wings.

    "Well," Jasmine said, doing a little bit of makeup. "You certainly had something planned for not wanting to go."

    "Shut up," Jellyfish said, rolling her eyes.

    "We should get going," Bermuda said, opening the door. "Our favorite hooligans are here."

    Sure enough, when Jellyfish entered the living room of her small cave home, Cloudy and Jeweldreamer were wrestling on the carpet floor.

    "I tried to stop them," Beige said plainly, from the small kitchen. He was leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of coffee. He worked for the night patrol, usually, scouting the area around the seaside caves the group of survivors that Jellyfish lived with called home. He was just waking up.

    "Guys!" Jasmine cried. "You're going to get all ruffed up! And this is Jellyfish's house!"

    "It's fine," Jellyfish said, at the same time Cloudy popped their head up, saying, "We're fine,"

    "I surrender, damn it," Jeweldreamer grumped at them, getting up and prancing away from them. 

    "Ha ha! I remain victor!" Cloudy announced dramatically. 

    "Okay, crazy," Bermuda said, giving them an odd look. "Can we get going?"

    "Yes, shoo, get out of here," Beige joked, setting down his cup of coffee. He walked over and adjusted the crooked choker on Jellyfish's neck. "Be careful. Lots of dragons out tonight."

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