Chapter 13

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Stratus lashed his tail and swiped at Fearless, who took a step back without flinching.

  "Take him away," She spat at the guards holding him, and turned and opened Stratus's door.

   His place was built similarly to Jeweldreamer's, with a loft bed and tiny kitchenette. It was very unfurnished, though, since he had only arrived a few weeks ago. Fearless lit a torch on the wall and peered around.

    "Ma'am," said one of the guards. "Don't we need a warrant?"

    Fearless glared at him. "Don't talk to me about laws when he killed my best fighter. If you don't want to assert justice on that verminous snake, feel free to leave."

    The guard let out a slow breath and acted as though he was involved, rooting through kitchen cabinets. 

    "What are you looking for?" Jellyfish asked from the doorway. Fearless blinked at her.

    "I'd suggest you leave, Jellyfish," Fearless said. "I've already put you in Stratus's line of fire, and I don't want to make it worse. Go to your friends." She turned around and continued poking around.

    Suppressing a sigh of relief, Jellyfish backed out of the door. As she walked, she rubbed her wrists where Stratus had gripped them and threw her around.

    Jellyfish pursed her lips and kept walking.

    Where could they all be anyways? Jellyfish wondered. Not my house or Aconi's house, but maybe Bermuda's or Jeweldreamer's. Jasmine has been trying to stay away from home unless she needs to be by her dad's old stuff.

     I'll go check Jeweldreamer's. He lives alone, so we don't need to be concerned about any adults getting too suspicious as to why we're all there.

   Though, I assume it won't take long for them to find out if there's a trial.

    Jellyfish turned the corner and ran headfirst into Mirage.

    "Oh, hey, squirt, Beige is looking for you," she said, backing up.

    "Beige? Why?" Jellyfish asked.

    "Fearless is conducting searches, I hear. Just was coming to bring you home. I'm clear." Mirage said.

    "I was just with Fearless, actually," Jellyfish said, continuing down the tunnel.

    "Really? Why?" Mirage asked.

    "Searching. In Stratus's place." Jellyfish sighed, a little irritated with conversating with Mirage for so long.

    "You mean that new SkyWing? Did he do it?" Mirage asked, but Jellyfish only shrugged. "Where are you going?"

    "Friend's place. I'll be fine, don't worry." Jellyfish said, speedwalking away from her. Mirage made a 'hmph' sound behind her and walked away.

    Jellyfish briskly knocked on the door to Jeweldreamer's place, and almost immediately, Jeweldreamer opened it and yanked her inside.

   "Shh, shh," Jeweldreamer said, as Jellyfish opened her mouth to snap at him. "Be quiet. Don't draw attention to us from the guards, they're a little busy at the moment."

    "Okay," Jellyfish said in a low voice. 

    "What's going on?" Aconi asked. The RainWing stood up as Jellyfish recovered from her short drag inside.

    "Stratus was just arrested and they're searching his cave." Jellyfish said.

     Everyone was quiet, a little awkwardly.

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