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     Rosetta stormed through the tunnels.

    Where is she? Where is it?

    Jellyfish's father, or adoptive father, Beige, trailed behind her, blabbing ideas.

"Maybe they chased after Stratus? Or maybe they're all just hiding? Or maybe Aconi is in-"

  "Shut. UP." Rosetta said, lashing her tail and spinning around on him. "Go find your kid. She's probably with mine, so it's best if we split up." Not waiting for a response, Rosetta whipped back around and continued marching. There were no following talonsteps.

   I wonder if Fearless has her. I'm pretty sure Aconi was the one who shot venom into the air, hitting Fearless. I swear to the moons above if you seriously screwed us out of ANOTHER PLACE TO LIVE...

    A passing NightWing gave her an odd look. She looked back and saw she had the teardrop scales of a mind reader next to her eyes.

    Damn it, shut up, thoughts.

    Rosetta stepped into the crowd of dragons in the main cave, who were discussing what had happened yesterday. The attempted trial. The venom attack. The fleeing convict and band of teenagers that were probably (hopefully) following him.

     Imagine your talons are cold, dusty stone. Imagine your wings are deprived of sunlight and dry.

     Rosetta melted away into the background. She steered clear of the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone or step on tails. There were now guards posted at the entrance of Fearless's cave, ever since Rosetta's daughter attacked, so she had the be invisible.

     The tunnels that were reserved for Fearless and her council were objectively much nicer than those for everyone else. The walls were built up with clay sculptures of the last day and other dragonlike decorations, and the torches were much more ornate and evenly spaced.

     Rosetta watched the signs above door frames. Weaponry, Office of Dragonet Safety, Medical Office.

     She turned sharply into the clinic. Immediately, Rosetta saw Fearless. She was alone, reading a book. There was a greenish-gray pulp smeared on her wing and Rosetta saw the holes that had been burned into the membrane. 

    Fast as a cobra, Rosetta shot across the room and grabbed Fearless's jaws in her mouth.

    "Where is she?"

    "Mmph!" Fearless shrieked against her talons. she didn't fight back, but gestured to her mouth with an irritated look.

    Rosetta rolled her eyes. "If you scream for help, I will kill you immediately. And don't think I won't. I've killed plenty before." She took her talons away, and Fearless glared at her.

   "Where is who?" Fearless growled.

    "Aconi. Where is my daughter?" Rosetta asked. "If you've imprisoned her, I will tear your body apart."

     "I don't know," Fearless said, raising her talons defensively. I thought I saw her with her friends leaving-"

     "Did she have anything with her?" Rosetta asked.

     "Yes, she had a brown bag strapped across her chest."

     "Hm." Rosetta flicked her tail. "Will you imprison her when she comes back?"

     "No. This was an accident." Fearless gestured to her wing. "Why do you want to know what she had?"

     "She took something from me, something very important," Rosetta said. "Thank you for your information ma'am, I'm going out to look for her."

     "Oh, Rosetta, that's not necessary. We already have search teams-"

    "No," Rosetta said. "Only I can find my daughter. I'll see you when I come back with her,"

    Fearless sighed. "Knock yourself out, then." She went back to reading.

    Rosetta stormed out. She had already packed her adventure in the bag around her neck. She crouched on edge of the water in the main cave and touched her earrings.

    Show me where Aconi is.

    A white shimmery path that only Rosetta could see arched out of the entrance and up the cliff side.

     I'm coming for you, Aconi.

     Rosetta spread her wings and took off, ignoring the questions from the dragons behind her.

    And I'm taking back what you stole from me.

Thank you for reading the first official book of my Last Day series! Yes, I know, the prequel was MUCH longer than this book was, but that held a lot more information and was over a longer period. See you in the next book...Wings Of Fire: Buried Beginnings.

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