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London had showed me my bedroom whilst Milo was sleeping, she'd introduced me to all the boys and as always, I rambled to them the whole of dinner time

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London had showed me my bedroom whilst Milo was sleeping, she'd introduced me to all the boys and as always, I rambled to them the whole of dinner time

I felt so embarrassed of myself, dad would've been so annoyed at me

Girls shouldn't talk that much

His words echoed in my head. He'd said them over tem years ago, but I didn't forget. I couldn't forget anything he said or did

I couldn't

That food was excellent. I have to stay here for the food if for nothing else

I headed up to my bedroom, passing all the rooms and eventually remembering where my room was. I remembered that I hadn't brought anything with me no clothes or anything as I went inside the room

going back out to the hallway I went downstairs. I felt awkward as I waited on the stairs

"Can I help you Trins?"

The guy I now knew was called Liam asked and I sighed

"I forgot to pack any clothes before I came, I was in such a rush and I know I should have thought about it in advance but I just didn't I was so worried you would murder London if I didn't come down- that was before I figured out you guys were undercover police"

I rambled before stopping myself as he headed up the stairs. I found myself following him

"where are you going?"

I asked and he looked at me

"To get you some clothes?"

He said, as if it was obvious. I followed him to a room where he came out with some clothes

there was a shirt that looked too big for me and I thanked him before leaving, going back to my room in this labyrinth of a house and changing.

the shirt smelt like him and it was heavenly

snuggling into the queen-sized bed, I quickly fell to sleep in the biggest and best bed I've ever had

snuggling into the queen-sized bed, I quickly fell to sleep in the biggest and best bed I've ever had

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Midnight hit and i sighed in annoyance. Getting out of my bed and going to the balcony outside my bedroom to light a cigarette.

I watched the trees gently blow in the wind as the coolness of the night air hit my bare chest

Finishing my cigarette, i stomped it out with my slippers before heading inside. As i went back into my room i could hear muffled whimpers, cries and talking from Trinettes room

Worried that someone had broken into her room i quickly grabbed my gun from under my pillow and sped over to the room next door which she has been given

I honestly don't know why i care so much about her

I dont know why i want to protect her, yet i know that theres a possibility that me and my friends could hurt her accidentally. Damage her beyond return

And that scares me

I ran i to her room, gun held high and ready to shoot, only to find Trinette crying and shaking in her sleep

Poor woman

My chest hurt with an unfamiliar feeling as i went closer to her and saw her wet cheeks, and pillow flooded with tears

Getting closer, i knelt down next to the bed.

i reached out to touch her cheek and as my fingers tenderly brushed her face her eyes fluttered open


I whispered in a voice that I didn't even recognise. It took her a while to wake up

"it's you"

she choked on a sob of relief

"Its me. are you okay"

I asked softly. god I don't even recognise my voice

I'm pathetic

I don't even know her, I don't know why I care so much.  i wrapped my arms around her as I climbed onto her bed with her

"I am now"

She said as she choked on her sobs

she cried into my arms and my heart physically hurt for her

god help me

I stayed there for at least an hour with her just crying into me before the door burst open 


I heard James ask.

"Oh babygirl"

He said sympathetically as he came onto her bed too

it was barely big enough for the three of us. and plus, us men were used to the super king-sized beds that I had initially bought when we moved in together

us three just sat there in silence, I gave James the look and he nodded, I picked her up - smiling as I noticed she was wearing Liam's shirt. I'm glad my friends are becoming fond of her.

she let out a soft squeak when I lifted her off the bed with ease, her arms wrapping around my neck and burying her face in my neck

me and James walked to my bedroom, laying her down on my bed - I changed my tear-stained shirt, I didn't miss her staring at me with an open mouth though. smirking, I made a point of changing slowly, I only changed my shirt though - I already had pyjama bottoms on.

James was attending to Trinette, cleaning her tears off her face and shit

I changed into my shirt and got into the bed, James was on the other side of Trinette and had already got her laid down and sleeping as I gently got in

"you really care about her?"

He asked me. and I sighed

"I don't know man. i don't know. shes confusing me. i just feel this constant urge to be near her, to protect her"

I opened up to him with a heavy sigh, and he nodded

"I feel the same way. i don't know whats happening. but shes too innocent for us. too naive. I'm scared we are going to hurt her"

James opened up too, and I nodded

"don't you think I'm scared of that too? fuck, I've already gotten too close and I've known her less than twenty-four hours!"

I raised my whisper-voice at him angrily as I rested back on my elbows and looked down at the girl between us. she looks so peaceful

he just nodded at me before laying down, we both cuddled Trinette protectively and feel asleep quickly.

Posted: 01.10.2022

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