Lake Havasu ( part 3 )

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Ellingtons POV

Well isn't this lovely, I get to stay in a tiny tent for a couple of days with my best friend who hates my guts right now and a girl who I barely know and doesn't trust me whatsoever....


"Should we get started?" Summer chirped happily while Riker sent me death glares out of the corner of his eye.

"Sure" I coughed and she smiled.

"So how about I sleep in the middle and you guys just choose to go on my left or right, good?" Riker suggested, obviously wanting me away from her.

"But I like being in the middle Rike" She pouted and he sighed but gave in but not before glaring at me.

"YAY!" She squealed and hugged him tight.

"Okay so grab some poles and start putting them together while I go get the tarp part" she yelled and ran off into the RV.

"Okay, stay away from her Ell" He warned me and I gulped as Summer skipped back over to us.

After many death glares and Summers chearfulness, we finnaly finished the tent and moved it closer to the RV.

"You guys want a snack break?" Ryland asked us all as he held out filled cheeses on a plate.

"I hues I'm good" Summer chuckled next to me as she saw that there was no more left after this monster family grabbed them all.

"I guess I don't make enough" Ry chuckled nervously.

"Here" I smiled and handed her my untouched grilled cheese that she inspected to make sure it wasn't poisoned or something weird like that.

"Thanks" she giggled and hugged me but not before giving me half of the sandwhich which made me smile at her generosity.

"Anyone up for a boat ride now that we're done?" Rocky smirked and ran over to the Lynchs speed boat that they kept at a summer house here.

"I'm up" Ross laughed and ran over there along with Delly, Riker, and Ryland.

"I'm good" I chuckled since they know that water and speed wasn't my thing.

"Same" I heard behind me.

They left without another word and I turned to the lovely Summer.

"I'm sorry... again"

"Don't be, I was stupid and I got over it" she laughed and finished her half of the sandwhich.

"I know, but I was stupid too and I just want you to know that I really am sorry"

"Your one of those many people who you just want to strangle because they appoligize to much" she laughed and hugged me tight making me breathe in her fruity smelling perfume.

"And your one of those many people that you just want to hug to death because they snell so good.... you know, in a non-creepy way" we chuckled and sat cross legged in ours and Riker's tent.

"Your not so bad Ratliff" she smiled and layed down next to me.

"Neither are you, King" I laughed and and poked her face like the weirdo I am.

"Wanna play 20 questions? We don't really know that much about each other and it usually leads to conversation" she laughed and I smiled and agreed.

"Okay, umm do you have any siblings?" She laughed one more time and questioned me with her head tilted slightly.

"Yeah, I have 3 but their all half brothers and alot older than me so I don't really talk to then that much" I shrugged. "You?"

"I have an older brother" she smiled.

"What's you favorite color?" I asked with a smile tugging at my lips.


"SAME YASSSSSS ME, YOU, AND ROCKY SHOULD MAKE A GREEN CLUB WHERE WE WORSHIP THE COLOR GREEN AND ALSO LAMAS BECAUSE LAMAS ARE LIFE!" I shouted maniacally while she had tears Streaming down her red face from laughing so hard.

"Your an interesting child" she patted my head and I just looked down silently.

"We should go to sleep" she whispered as she looked outside to the dark sky where we can briefly see everyone else coming back from their boat trip.

"Yeah" I sighed and laid down.

"Ellington?" She asked through the pitch black tent and she sounded nervous and scared.


"Can I like.... be closer to you?" She asked.

"Of course" I chuckled and she moved across the tent and snuggled into my chest and put her arms around me which caught me by surprise.

"Can you tell me a story?"

"Sure" I laughed then thought for a second. " once upon a time, there was a king named Ellington Lee Ratliff. He was a lonely king but he had always had company of his beloved friends, the Lynch's. He even loved one of them, but wasn't sure of what to do so he just stayed as the madams best friend throughout the years. Then, one day, the Lynch's had their dear old friend come for a visit for the Summer. Ellington thought she was a beautiful young woman with a kind heart and a mysterious story that intrigued the young king. But the King and the madam got into a fight, and she hated him but he only realized that he liked her. Eventually, the two became friends again and the King's feelings grew as he got to know the madam. Until he fell in love with her. The End."

I looked down and saw that she was fast asleep against my chest. I hope she fell asleep early in the story....

But one thing to know is... I just spoke the first thing that came to mind through my little story...

And the first thing was was Summer and how I'm madly, deeply, truly, in love with the young madam, Summer King.

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