Lake Havasu (part 2)

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Ellingtons POV


That's all I can think of at this moment... well that and the fact that I'm saying fuck because Summer is gone, it's all my fault, and I have absolutely no idea where she is.

And Riker hates my guts...

I never thought that I would have to say that one of the Lynchs hate me.

He doesn't hate you, he's just mad.

This small voice in the back of my head tried to tell me, but I didn't believe it.

He hates me.

I sighed and punched the wall as hard as I could, already forming a bruise on my knuckles.

"Yo!" A voice yelled and I looked behind me to see Rocky standing in the doorway.


"What's wrong?" That's when I broke down.

"I messed up man, I messed up!" I yelled and paced up and down in the bedroom with tears streaming down my face.

"Wait, what are you talking about, Ell?" He suddenly asked, confused by the way I was acting.

"Okay, me and Summer got in an argument earlier because when I went to carry her to bed the other day, since everyone else fell asleep, she jumped out of my arms and started freaking out and today I asked her what was that about and she kept mumbling and saying she doesn't know so I got frustrated and called her bitchy and ignorant then she started crying and fell asleep in this room and I was really tired as well so I layed down too, then she woke up and I guess we moved in our sleep so we were cuddling then you guys left after I said what happened with the whole bed thing but Riker stayed and I told him what I'm telling you now and he yelled at me saying that he thought that I was his friend, punched me, and left!" I rushed out and he just stood there not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, man" he sighed but I didn't hear him at first.

"I know I'm a fucking retard and that I shouldn't have said that and- wait, what did you say" I started rambling but then caught on to what he had said.

"I said it's okay, you were just frustrated with her and I know you didn't mean it by how you were just acting about it" he shrugged and I sighed in relief that at least one other Lynch doesn't hate me.

"What about Riker though?" I asked with a wild look in my eyes.

"You know how he is, he's just worked up- he'll forgive you eventually" he reassured and gave me a hug.

"Okay" I said, and started to relax more.

"Now, what we really should be doing right now is looking for Summer, because I know that girl and she always thinks the worst of situations" he stated and went out the RV door with me hot on his tail.

"What the hell are-" Riker started at me but then Rocky started defending me.

"Chill out Riker, you know Ellington and you know that he gets frustrated really easily which makes him say stuff he doesn't mean so think about it before you punch him again!" He scolded and Riker just stared at him before turning back to the direction Summer ran off too about 30 minutes ago.

Rocky sighed and we both started following the rest of them, Rocky went over to Ryland and I went over to Ross and Rydel.

" You guys believe me don't you?" I asked each of them.

"Well, judging by that argument you guys just had, we don't know the full story so...." Rydel trailed off and I explained the situation to both of them as silence lingered in the air until Ross decided to break it.

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