Lake Havasu (part 1)

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Shit is about to go down

Summers POV

"So I was thinking we would go from the closest to the farthest so Lake Havasu, Vegas, Santa Barbara, then Big Sur" Rocky explained to everyone.

"Isn't Vegas closer than Havasu...." Rydel trailed off looking at him.

"Well technically  but it would only make sense if we went to Havasu first" he shrugged and threw another grape into the air and caught it in his mouth.

"OHH DID YOU SEE THAT!!" he shouted looking at all of us.

"We all saw Rocky... none of us care" I looked at him.

"Tough crowd" I heard him mutter before I turned and looked out the window before I felt the jolt of the motor home, signaling that Riker had started driving.

For the driving arrangement, someone is going to drive for two hours then switch with another person and it goes like that for every other drive we have this week.

"Hey can I sit with you maybe?" Ellington asked nervously.  I just looked at him, shrugged, and turned back to the window.

"What was up with you jumping away from me yesterday?" He asked the question had been avoiding for the past 24 hours.

"I don't know" I mumbled and looked at him this time.

"What do you mean you don't know" He asked me, clearly frustrated with my recent behavior.

"I don't know!" I raised my voice a little but only enough for only us to hear.

"I don't know your back story or any of that shit but that doesn't mean that you have to be so bitchy and ignorant when you come to California to visit your friends!" He told me off, poison dripping from his mouth.

I let the tears fall this time. I wasn't strong enough to hold them back.

"Summer... I'm so sorry i-" he started apologizing but I interrupted  him.

"Save it" then I stood up from the comfy seat and walked to the back bedroom where I cried myself to a deap sleep.

Ellingtons POV

All I did was stay frozen in my spot after she ran off.

"You okay there E-Rat!" Ross yelled from the other couch even though he was literally like 10 feet away.

"Yeah, I'm good" I told him even though I knew I wasn't.

Why would I say that to her? Obviously, bad things have happened and I relized that before so I have no idea why I did that to her.

Before I can process it, there was already a tear rolling down my cheek followed by many others.

I jumped up and went into the back bedroom before anyone can notice.

I sighed and wiped my eyes, but when I turned around I saw that Summer was sleeping on the bed.

She looked so peaceful and angelic....

I probably shouldn't lay down next to her expecially since I sort of yelled at her and made her cry.

But I did anyways.

-4 hours later-

I woke up to the sounds of doors opening and closing and shouting coming inside and outside.

I looked down to see that me and Summer were cuddled up with her head in my chest and my arms around her and our feet were all tangled up unlike our position  earlier.

I'm in deep shit if she wakes up.

But of course from the yelling and slamming, her eyes start to flutter open.

"WHAT THE HELL!" she yelled and jumped away from me as soon as possible.

"Chill out we moved in our sleep I was on the other side of the bed!" I snarled at her.  Why am I being this way I didn't mean it like that?!?!

"You shouldn't have been in the same bed as me anyways!" She shouted.

"My bad, I was tired and there was only one bed in this place!"

"It's called the trash can, where all trash goes!" Ouch that hurt.

"How am I trash!"  I yelled at her.

"Your a freaking asshole, Elington!" She yelled and we were filled with silence except our heavy breathing.

"Woah" I voice came from the doorway and I turned to see all of the Lynchs looking at us with wide eyes.

This is going to make her look bad....

Yeah she called me trash and an asshole but I started this hole thing by calling her bitchy and ignorant  earlier.

"What is your problem Summer?" Ryland fired at her and she looked between them nervously, not knowing what to say.

But instead of saying anything she just ran past all of them and out the door and into the hot land of Arizona.

"Calm down, she was just worked up because we moved in our sleep so that we were cuddling and she freaked out" I covered for her and they just nodded and walked away except for Riker.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it" he folded his arms and looked at me with one eye brow raised.

"What do you mean?" I asked him nervously.

"I've known Summer all of my life and she's like my little sister.  She wouldn't act like that over something like accidently cuddling and she hates yelling and cussing so you must of set her off another way" he stated , still looking at me suspiciously.

Well there's no way I'm getting out of this one.

So I explained everything that had occurred in the past 24 hours to him.

"What is wrong with you Ellington! I thought you were my friend!" He yelled at me with anger after I was done explaining.

"I am your friend!" I defended.

"No you were!" And with that he threw his arm back and and punched me in the eye with all of his power.

I shot my hand up to cover up my eye only to be punched in the nose.

I saw no point in holding my hand too it, so I just let the blood run down my face as I looked at him with no emotion.

All he did was glare at my one more time and leave.

I grabbed a tissue from the bedside and held it to my bloody nose to helpfully stop  bleeding but then a thought struck me:

Where did Summer go?

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