Chapter Three The Training Under The Star

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I would just like to say that there are 2 Chapter Threes.

Shadowclan run from the camp. StarPaw smiled. Shed one! Noone cod hurt her family now. *Takes out sword* So who's this 'Noone Cod' you said hurt your family?

StarPaw!" said FireStar. "Its time we train!" I want to show you how to fight!" I thought the amazing Starpaw already knew how to fight

"Ok." Sad StarPaw happl;y. "but yo just saw I culd fight, write?" "Well, ya." said Firestar/ "But I wnted tol see if that was all you new." Sad Starpaw happily. Are you sad or happy? Make up your mind. And there's no need to brag about your multitasking skills. You don't need to tell us that you can fight and write at the same time when all the other cats don't even know how to write. That's hurtful.

"Ok." They went to the frost togather and the other cats cleaned jp the bodies. "Ok StarPaw" said FireStar one they got their. "We'll start with how to dog." Ok Starpaw, let's ignore the corpses over there and go train. And as for the dogging, that's easy! Woof woof!

"Cmon thas too easy!" yelled StarPaw. Shed just beaten BlackStar she was ready for anything! How about blackcough?

"ok Ok" mewled FiresTar, lets learn how to claw an oponit.

"Ya." Yowled Starkit. She jumped at FireStar not Giving hiM time to attakc. "She hit his side he didn't move he was too surprise.d she clawed him and he started bledding. "wow StarPaw" he said ".Your doing awesome." "Really?" gaped StarPaw. She didn't think she was doing that god was she relly special like the porphesy meowed? Deputy, Clan Leader, and now a god. What happened to StarClan and who do I blame for her big ego and pretend humility? 

"Yes StarPaw." Snarled FireStar. "I couldnteven get away in fast enough. Only scourg was did that before.," Ok let's be fair you'd be snarling too if your barely-six-moon-old great-granddaughter turned you into ketchup. 

"OMGOSH REALLY?" asked StarPaw. Scourg?1? THE SCOURG? She dherad so muchj about him he was really evil and killed alot of cats. "I'M LIKE SCOURG?" "I didnt mean it like that" sad FireStar fastly. "I ment you wer a good fighter. Its really cool." At that minute he thought to himself 'Starpaws so kawaii look at her eys and fur. This is the worst paragraph so far.

"Oh ok thanks." They trained floor awhile later StarPaw beat FireStar 8 times once she let him win to make him fel bettar and b y the last one she was alittle tired. FireStar are you training the floor so that it is worthy of StarPaw's pawsteps?

"Hey FireStar can we hunt now." said StarPaw. "i'm kinda hungry." I thought you were tired

"Oh we'll if you want." FireStar was disappointed he and; starPaw had being having so much fun. So they went huntng, StarPaw messed up a couple times but FireStar said it was okaysince it was only her second time (she'd had her first time when she was a littlekit and she and FireStar had  snuck out together that's why he chose her as his apprentice_. Dawnsparkle does not approve

Later that night StarPaw locked up the stars. She and FireStar had'd so much fun that day. Theyd brung back enough food for the hole clan. *Hands out posters* Come join HoleClan! You get to lock the stars up so they can't escape and sleep in a hole! Sounds great, right?

Locking upn at the stars she turned to her best friend, JazzPaw, and said, "Do you think well ever be up there." Can you please go up there now? And take your bad grammar with you!

"Ya totally." said JazzPaww. "I mean youll be l,eader and I'll be depudy one day well have too!" IT BUGS ME SO MUCH THAT THE CATS SAY YA INSTEAD OF YEAH

"Ya." Said StarPaw smiling she loved JazzPaw NOT IN THAT WAY U SICKOS!) they were best friends. She loked up at the stars again and smiled and fell asleep wit the Starcaln voices whisper in her head. See there's another ya

Yep that's the end

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