Chapter 4: Starpaw's Dilemma

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It's the time when you weep with joy because StarClan has sent a translation for the last chapter! Yay!

"Starpaw," A paw prodded Starpaw in the side. She shot up and accidentally headbutted a cat in the muzzle.

The cat grunted. Starpaw recognized the grunt. "Graystripe?"

Beside her, Flamepaw started to stir.

Graystripe led her out of the apprentice's den so they wouldn't wake any cats.

"What do you need me for, Graystripe?" Starpaw tried her best to be respectful; she didn't want to anger a senior warrior on her second day as an apprentice.

Graystripe gazed at Starpaw with something she couldn't quite distinguish in her eyes. "Starpaw...Will you be my mate?"

Starpaw reeled back in shock. First Firestar, and now Graystripe! At this rate, all the male cats in ThunderClan would want to mate with her!

"D...Don't you already...have...have a mate?" She stuttered. 

"Yes, but I've gotten over her already." Graystripe flicked his tail in indifference.

"Graystripe...I'm honoured...but Firestar asked me already..."

"Well then he's just another cat with good taste." Graystripe's tail fluffed up at the mention of Firestar wanting to be Starpaw's mate, but he let it lie flat again soon. "You do want to be my mate, right?"

"But..." Starpaw did like Graystripe, but there was this nagging voice at the back of her mind that told her not to get involved with any cheating cats. "What would Firestar say?" She mewed, listening to the voice at the back of her head and trying to get Graystripe to give up on being her mate.

"Being his best friend and the cat that understands him the most, I don't think he would mind." Graystripe licked Starpaw's ear affectionately.

"Well..." Starpaw still had some doubts, but she reminded herself that this was Firestar's first friend in the Clans. He probably knew Firestar better than any other cat. "Okay!" she mewed. "I'll be your mate! How does this 'mate' thing work, anyway?"

Graystripe opened his jaws to answer, but before he could, Firestar padded up to them.

"What are you talking about?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, Firestar." Graystripe answered hastily. "Starpaw wanted to know what fish tasted like. Go back to sleep, it's too early."

Starpaw shifted from paw to paw, hoping that Firestar would just go away so Graystripe could answer her question.

Firestar didn't leave. "I heard you asking Starpaw to be your mate!" he accused.

Starpaw had a feeling that Firestar would mind very much if Graystripe took her as her mate instead of him.

Firestar saw the expression on Starpaw's face and snarled. "You did ask her to be your mate!" He lunged at Graystripe and the two cats disappeared in a screeching ball of teeth and claws.

"Stop!" Starpaw separated the two toms. "Fighting won't achieve anything. How about you both be my mates?"

"No!" Graystripe and Firestar exclaimed at the same time. "If you do, you'll cheat on us." Firestar protested. Starpaw resisted the urge to remind them that they themselves were cheating on their mates by asking Starpaw to mate with them.

"You'll need to pick." Graystripe and Firestar leaned forward eagerly. "So, Starpaw, who will you pick?"

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