Chapter 3: The Training Under the Stars

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Yep it's that time again...

Firestar and Starpaw got up after their meal and went to the training hollow with Jazzpaw and her mentor, Sandstorm. Firestar meowed, "Okay Starpaw, it's time for some battle training. You never know when another Clan will attack, like today."

"Sure," Starpaw was delighted. "I could do some moves already, right?"

"Yes, and you performed them very well," praised Firestar. "But that's not enough for a warrior. You still have a lot to learn. Now, first, here's a more advanced move since you already know the basics."

Firestar went up to Sandstorm. Starpaw and Jazzpaw sat side by side and watched intently. Sandstorm turned on her side and slid under Firestar's belly, pretending to rake it with her (sheathed) claws. Firestar tried to drop down on her, but Sandstorm was too quick. She rolled out from under Firestar and got back onto all fours, ready to continue fighting.

"And that's how you do it," Sandstorm mewed, turning to face the apprentices. "Do you want to try it out or would you like to see it again?"

"I think I've got it." Jazzpaw answered confidently. Starpaw nodded. "Me too."

"Okay, then Jazzpaw can attack, and Starpaw, try to squash her before she comes back out." Firestar decided.

Jazzpaw slipped under Starpaw, hitting her belly lightly, and trying to slide back out before getting smooshed under Starpaw. Attempted being the key word.

"Oof!" Jazzpaw grunted as Starpaw's weight crashed down onto her. 

"Good job!" Firestar commented. "Your reaction was good, Starpaw. You did well too, Jazzpaw, but try to roll out after just one clawing, because clawing for longer gives your opponent more time to squash you and take the upper hand. Now switch."

Starpaw rolled under Jazzpaw, and batted at Jazzpaw's soft belly while still rolling, and was back on all fours long before Jazzpaw dropped onto the ground.

Jazzpaw whirled around. "Wow, Starpaw, you were so fast!"

Sandstorm and Firestar were murmuring in low voices. Sandstorm stepped forward. "Starpaw, that improvisation was interesting. Could you show us again?"

Starpaw performed the move again with Jazzpaw and Firestar looked interested. "Those changes you made to the move made it more effective. Very good."

"Yes," added Sandstorm. "Clawing while rolling may injure your opponent less, but there's much less chance of getting squashed. We'll have to teach that version of the move to future apprentices."

Starpaw widened her eyes. She had invented a new way to perform a fighting move on her first day as an apprentice! Could she possibly be such a skilled cat? 

"Okay, Starpaw." Firestar's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Let's do some work on our own. Pretend I'm a ShadowClan warrior attacking the camp. What do you do?"

Starpaw lashed her tail. "Attack!" She flew at Firestar.

Firestar got off Starpaw. "That wasn't as good as last time. You should have ducked and then nipped at my legs before I had time to start a new attack, not try to grab my paw and yank me to the ground. You're still kinda small for an apprentice, so that move doesn't work on most cats. I noticed that your attacks were slower. Are you getting tired?"

"Yes," mumbled Starpaw sleepily. She'd gotten up early for her apprentice ceremony that day, and with all the excitement, she was getting tired.

"Then we're finished for the day. Go get some fresh-kill and get some rest."

Starpaw didn't object and picked out a thrush and a vole from the fresh-kill pile, bringing them to the elders' den for the elders.

"Thanks, Starpaw." meowed Mousefur. "Thanks for giving us prey even though Firestar didn't tell you to. Those other apprentices better learn from you!"

Starpaw smiled and spotted Lakepaw heading for the nursery with a piece of fresh-kill in her jaws. Relieved, she got a small mouse for herself and settled down with Jazzpaw to eat.

After that, she and Jazzpaw lay down outside the apprentices' den. Starpaw turned to Jazzpaw. "Do you think we'll ever be up there?"

"Of course, mouse-brain!" exclaimed Jazzpaw. "All the dead cats go to StarClan, as long as they're loyal to their Clan and don't want more than they deserve. You'll be one of the greatest cats up there, and I'll be your deputy. We'll be together forever!"

The apprentices went back into their den and curled up in their soft bedding.


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