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Jacks POV, 4:07 AM.
   The time? God if I know. I've been laying here for maybe 4 hours now, not getting a second of sleep. This has been happening a lot lately.. maybe a little too much.

   I have this constant speculation that Something that I can't stop is going to happen.. it's taking over my mental state bit by bit. But, you can't control what you can't save, can you?

  I lay still for another 38 minutes- don't ask how I kept count. Finally, my eye lids feel the slightest bit of heavy. I close my eyes and pray for even an hour of sleep. I finally started to drift off when...


   What sounds like Ryan screams my name. He sounds distressed and in trouble, I immediately perk up and charge out of my room, not bothering to put a shirt on. I run out.. and I see Ryan. He's dead on the living room floor, a knife wound in his neck and chest.

Ryan POV, 4:47 PM.

   I had woken up at about 4:30AM to a sound in the kitchen, which ended up being nothing. I made my way into the living room, drifting off about what seemed to be millions of times.. though it was only 4. My glasses were still located in my room, I hadn't bothered to put them on my tired looking face. I decided to clean a bit, to at least wake myself up. Whilst I continued to clean, I could of sworn I saw something that my exausted eyes couldn't identify by the window.

"Hello-? Who's there?" I say, getting no response.

   I shrugged it off, only to hear something else around 4:45 AM. That's when it became clear that I wasn't alone. A man that was my height stood in front of me as I turned around, a sort of weapon in his hand. I had close to nothing to retaliate with.. so, what did I do? I yelled the first name that I could think of.


  ...everything went dark for a second. I felt my senses slip away as I stared at the ceiling, I could feel the warm blood pump from my neck and chest. As Jack ran out, it was too late. My life started to slip away from me, no matter how hard I fought against it.

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