Chapter 9.

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This is a week past Arnettas death. Adam had had enough, he "went out to the store" as jack stayed home.

Adams POV: ?????

I'm determined to find who is killing my friends. I'm rushing around new york, not even knowing how I'm going to find the-

..I'm pulled into an alleyway, the first person I see is wearing all black clothing. He has a ski mask on.

"Who are you?!" I yell, despite nobody from the outer street hearing me.

The person says nothing, they push me to the ground and hold me at gunpoint... And I smile.

"Pull the fucking trigger."

They give me a confused look, lowering the gun.

"Did you hear me? Pull the trigger. I can't take this anymore, I'm losing more people quicker then I can process it. Pull. The. Trigger."

The person sighs and looks at me. They only whisper 3 words.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"I don't know who you are, but if you see jack? Tell him I love him. Can you do that?" I smile sadly as the person nodded. Am I really choosing to lose to the person who killed my brother?

..yes, yes I am.

I close my eyes and smile as the person pulls the trigger. It goes dark.

Adam died slowly as the person ran away, only leaving one text for Jack.

"I love you, I'm not coming home."

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