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Austin's POV.

I'm sitting on my couch, sobbing and laughing. I did it. I finally did it. My friends.. I killed them. I killed them all.

See, I have a reason. Frankly, I'm insane. Nono, not even that.. I am  insane. Who am I kidding, that's no excuse. I look at my blood stained hands, as I.. well..

It's nothing. I.. kissed Jack before I left. See, I had feelings for him.. strong ones. I wanted to keep him alive.. that's why I'm sobbing. I loved him, and he died because of me. How could I be so fucking stupid-?

I didn't want him finding out I had killed everyone. He would of never loved me then.

I start laughing more as police bust into my living space. They found out. My laughs were occasionally stoped by choked sobs, they dragged me out as I fought back. The voices in my head slowly became the voices of my past co workers, I start to sob more. They're all yelling at me, saying things I don't want to hear. The voices get louder, each saying they hate me.

Finally, Jacks voice.

"I never loved you like you love me. You killed me, I won't ever forgive you."

I start sobbing uncontrollably. The police are trying to contain me, and failing. I ended up passing out, the voices stopping.

I did it.

I followed the click in my ear...


The click that told me to kill.

The Slow Decline. (AJR.)Where stories live. Discover now