Chapter 10.

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A month later. Only jack is left, yet not much of him is Actually left. He hasn't talked in ages, he looked horrible, and he had barley left the house. From the team of AJR members, only him and Austin were left.

Jacks POV, 4:00 AM.

I'm sitting on the couch that me and my brothers once shared. Now it's just me in a messy new york apartment, I'm wearing Ryan's hoodie and looking at photos of me and my brothers.
Why, out of everyone, was I not killed? I've come close to doing it myself more then once, and I'm not proud of it.

I perk up when I hear a window break in the other room. I cowered onto the couch even more, terrified. A person wearing dark clothing ran out, a pistol in hand. He looked at me and laughed.

"Well well, if isn't Jack, all lonley!" The voice had a slight lisp, it couldn't see his face.

"Who are you?!" I yell, grabbing a knife off the table.

"Didn't you think of it, darling? Who's the only one besides you from the team that's alive."

I felt my body freeze. One of my closest friends, my buddy, my closest companion...

...Austin took his mask off. He smiled at me with a crazed look, pointing the gun at me.

"A-Austin!.. W-We.. We can talk about this!!"

"NO, JACK, WE CANNOT! ITS OVER! I WIN!" He laughed manically, pressing the gun against my forehead.

With no hesitation, I stab the knife I weld in my hand in his chest, he froze.

"..h-eh.. yo-ure a sm-art one, a-rnt you..?" He dropped his gun as I pulled the knife out, putting a hand the wound. He laughed as he stared at me.

"Austin, y-you.."


I just freeze.

"I.. I did what you told me to..! I did what made me h-appy!" I told him this a lot.. I didn't know I would come to regret it.

"I.. Austin, wh.." I hold up the knife again, Austin fell onto his knees after I stabbed him again.

"Y-ou-.. You'll fucking pay for this.. for everything you did.. for all of the people you k-" I looked at austin, who had grabbed his gun again.

"Goodbye, my friend. You thought you would win?" He laughed again before pulling the trigger.. the bullet landed in my neck.

Jack died immediately.

Austin laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Eventually, he fixed himself, and left. He went back home, laughing and crying as he ran.

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