Chapter 2.

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Jacks POV, 5:00 PM.

   Once again, I'm hanging out with Ryan. Finally, we arnt arguing playfully, we are sitting and talking about upcoming albums or singles we may release, as the fans always scold us for not posting enough music.

"Ohhh!!" Ryan exclaims. "What if we released this one! The fans seemed to really like the leak for it.." he looked at his computer, clicking a few things before looking back at me.

"Uhm.." To be honest, I was halfway listening. I gave Ryan a confused, dumfounded look.

"You weren't listening to me, were you?" Ryan said, looking dissapointed.

"..U-hm.. I was..! We should totally release that song! Just.. maybe not now-?"

"Why not now?" Ryan frowned, we hadn't released something in a hot minute.

"I dunno... It feels wrong. I can't really explain it."

Ryan sighed. "Whatever." He closed his computer and fixed his glasses. As I looked at him, an overwhelming feeling took over my body.. a feeling saying that this would be close to the end of my time with Ryan. Something felt super off. As I looked at Adam who was sitting silently on the couch once more, the feeling grew. Something made me feel not safe around Adam.. though I knew he wouldn't do anything.

"Dude- Jack..?" Adam walked over to me and waved his hand in my face, making me snap back into reality. I flinched and he stopped.

"Y-Yeah- sorry-" I sighed as I stood up. "I'm not feeling well, I think I'm just.. going to go lay down." Without another word, I left the room.

Adam and Ryan both looked confused and concerned, they both ended up talking for a bit about Adams college courses and work.

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