Chapter 1.

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Jacks POV, 2:40 PM.

   I'm just sitting and chatting with Ryan, doing our usual brotherly things- he's making fun of me, but who am I to day that I don't like it? He's my older brother, for gods sake.

"I remember that one day you came home with a girl, I think it was a day before I moved into the college dorms-" he held back a laugh as he continued to being up the embarrassing memory.

"Poor jack didn't last a week with her!" He laughed as I sat there, unamused.

"And you're the one to talk? Adam got more girls then you in high school-" I say, shooting a small look at Adam, followed by a small laugh.

"Whatever!" Ryan exclaims, laughing. He adjusts his glasses and smiles.
Adams POV, 2:40 PM.

  Im sitting on the couch, silent. I'm halfway spaced out, sort of listening to my two younger, and, kind of annoying, siblings. No matter how much they say or do, no matter how much they yell, I always love them with all of my heart. The thought of hurting them would never cross my mind..!


Would it..?

  Who am I kidding, I would never. I wouldn't ever hurt anyone, I physically cannot! Even when jack or ryan playfully punch me in the arm, I can never find the courage to hit back.. will that ever change? I sigh as I run my hands through my hair, I slowly became aware of my familiar surroundings once once more. I look at Ryan and Jack, who are going back and forth bullying eachother.

"You guys are- you confuse me sometimes." I say, stifling a small laugh.

"Whatever-" they both start laughing as they say the same word in sync.

  I love my brothers.
  I love my brothers..
  Î lœvè my brøthèrs??

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