The First Call

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-At the Aquarium-

Giyu was sitting at the ticket sales desk with two other employees. He figured he could talk to Tanjiro and Zenetsu while they waited for the first customers of the morning. "Why don't you get it? Your sister deserves better than to just be a dolphin trainer! Shes so pretty! She could be a model!" Tanjiro nodded and smiled at his friend, "Zen, she would much rather work here with all of us than be a model. She loves the dolphins." Zenetsu threw his arms in the air, "Maybe you're right, but the dolphins are dangerous! She could get knocked over and drown!" Tanjiro understands that his friend cares for Nezuko, but he is getting a little annoyed with his whining. A family of six walked up interrupting their conversations. "Good morning!" Tanjiro beamed, while Zenetsu grabbed the box of wrist bracelets.

Giyu sighed, once again he couldn't get a word in. He did appreciate the two boys; they had been working here for a few years and now that they're in college they don't need to be monitored by a manger. He doesn't have to sit here, but he enjoys the company. "Well, I'm going to..." he was cut off by the phone ringing. He turned and walked towards the back counter, picking up the corded phone from the wall. "Good morning, thank you for calling Ubuyashiki Aquarium. This is Giyu, how may I help you?" There was a brief pause and some shuffling in the background before a woman spoke. "Good morning, Giyu. This is Shinobu Koucho, I'm calling to see if anyone is available to answer some questions I have about the lionfish. I'm doing a research paper." He turned and leaned against the wall, wondering briefly if he had ever heard a voice so soft and comforting, in a past life this woman must've been a doctor if she wasn't one now. "Uh, sure. We don't have anyone who specializes in venomous fish but I can try to help."

-At Shinobu and Mitsuris apartment-

She had been collecting up her things so she could head to work when she called, expecting some teenager or an older person to answer. She paused in the middle of grabbing her laptop when he first spoke. His voice was smooth and low, he had a very calm tone that reminded her of sitting in a boat in the middle of a still lake. It took her a moment to regain her thoughts, why was she calling? She greeted him in return, remembering her original objective she posed her question generally so she wouldn't bombard him with questions he may not know. As he answered her, she finished putting her laptop away. After asking her questions and scribbling down the answers and keywords on a notepad, she thanked him for his time and hung up. "Mitsuri! We're going to be late! I told Gyomei we would be there by 9!" Mitsuri came bounding down the stairs of their shared apartment, bagel in her mouth while she was braiding her hair with her hands. She nodded profusely, mumbling something Shinobu translated as "sorry! sorry!" as she stumbled past her and towards the living room.

"I know you and Iguro were on the phone all night, I worry that he isn't letting you get the sleep you need." She was concerned for Mitsuri, she often wondered if this boyfriend of hers was really as caring as her friend insisted. "Yes of course he is! I wasn't up ALL night." she was grinning ear to ear. "Right, you got to sleep for about four hours, Mitsuri I checked on you when I woke up and you were just going to sleep!" She grabbed both their bags and went out to the car. Mitsuri came running out of the door after her, "Wait, I'm coming!" Shinobu looked up, "Lock the door please!" Mitsuri turned around and locked the door, "I heard you talking on the phone did you talk to Gyomei this morning?" Gyomei Himejima was the doctor that usually worked in the lab when they're there, he was like an older brother to them. Shinobu will call him sometimes to talk about her weekends. He calls her and Mitsuri the most since they're the closest in age to him. He is the labs head manager, he majored in psychology but decided he would be happier as a college therapist. "No, but that reminds me that I have an appointment with him on Friday." They continued chatting on their way to the lab, neither of them had classes today.

Shinobu x Giyuu, Ubuyashiki AquariumWhere stories live. Discover now