House Party

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Alright well maybe Shinobu had underestimated how thoroughly soaked her clothes would get. They arrived in front of the building and were walking through the front door. "Do I look as wet as I feel?" She asked holding her arms away from the side and waddling like a penguin, Kanae laughed, "Not sure, but I certainly will need to change, I'm soaked down to my underwear." Sanemi had already taken off his shirt and was ringing it out under the awning that blocked the doorway from getting wet, "It's fuckin' pouring now!" he angrily shook his shirt out, "I mean seriously, how wrong can a weather reporter be before they get fired?" Giyuu laughed, "You all are a bunch of babies, the water feels great!" Shinobu looked over her shoulder at him, his shirt was sticking to his muscular chest and arms, his hair was plastered to his forehead and his jeans were hung so low on his waist she could see his underwear band. He winked at her when they made eye contact and she blushed and looked away quickly.

They trekked up a couple flights of stairs and down a long hallway. "Alright, in you go." Giyuu gestured into their door after unlocking it and kicking it open. Shinobu sent the apartment number to Mitsuri after sending her the location. "Alright, we are going to change." giyuu said, grabbing Shinobus wrist and dragging her down the hall to his room. "Don't worry I'm just letting you borrow some clothes; we can do other things later." He said it so matter-of-fact that Shinobu let out a sigh, "You must say that to all the girls." He turned around, "Only to the girls who care enough about me to make it this far..." He thought for a moment, "so, there's only been one." He turned back around, stripping off his shirt and chucking it into the bathroom onto the tile. Shinobu let her sight linger on his exposed back, his muscles were flexing as he struggled to bend over and remove socks, which he also chucked into the bathroom. She turned around while he stripped off his jeans, she heard them slap onto the tile too.

"I should have some t-shirts that won't be too big on you, or a hoodie, you'll probably have to get shorts or something from your sister though." She could hear him open a drawer and rummage around, she was freezing, "I don't care what you give me as long as I'll be warm. I'm going to take my clothes off." She hurried into the bathroom without looking up at him and shut the door behind her. She flipped on the light and looked down at the pile of clothes, "His underwear?... oh my gods, HIS UNDERWEAR!" She whisper-yelled to herself. He was just fully naked mere feet from her, 'Has he no shame?' she thought as she looked at herself in his mirror. Her whole face was red, 'HAVE I NO SHAME?!' she thought again.

She started peeling her wet clothes off, dropping them on top of his because she could at least bring all their clothes to the washing machine. There was a light knock at the door, "Are you decent?" he asked, "No, hold on." She was completely naked standing in the middle of his bathroom frantically looking around for a towel. As if he knew, he offered, "Cabinet by the door, the grey ones are bigger." She quickly opened the cabinet and wrestled one of them out and wrapped it around her, "Okay, I'm good now." He slowly opened the door, peeking around it cautiously just in case she hadn't covered herself. He was now dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight black t-shirt, 'yep, he's trying to kill me.' she thought to herself. "Here's a hoodie, and I found some athletic tights, if you want to try them on? They're pretty tight on me so they might work..." he looked at her small frame, "...maybe." She took both, and shooed him out the door again, "Thanks."

They walked down the hallway again, she had put the hoodie on, it reached mid-thigh on her, the athletic tights didn't fit at all so she opted for not wearing them. He was holding all of their clothes, "I'll go put these in the laundry...uhh..." he leaned down, "...umm... do you want me to take your underwear too? Mine were soaked so I assumed yours would be too?" His cheeks were flushed, she hadn't thought anything of it but, hers were wet from the rain soaking through her shorts. "Yeah, I'll be back." She was so embarrassed, she walked into the kitchen "Kanae?" Her sister was by herself, "Can I borrow some shorts and underwear?" Her sister nodded, "Yeah, for sure, mine were soaked through, I figured you'd need some. Come on." She followed Kanae to Sanemis room where all her luggage was. "Where'd Sanemi go?" Kanae handed her some underwear and a pair of spandex shorts, "Oh he's in the living room with Mitsuri and Obanai, they had stopped at Obanais apartment and changed. Apparently, he lives in the next building over."

Giyuu was waiting in the hallway by Sanemis door, still holding all their clothes. Shinobu opened the door to find him staring at the ceiling. "What're you looking at?" He quickly looked back down at her, "Uhh nothing..." he smiled awkwardly. "Okay... I'll follow you. I uhh don't want you to..." he nodded, "Yeah, understandable." She felt dumb not letting him just take all their clothes but she felt so weird about handing her soaking wet underwear to a man she had effectively only met a few hours earlier. "So, Mitsuri and Obanai are already here." Why was this so awkward, "Yeah, I saw them..."

They made it to the laundry room, finally. Giyuu dumped the clothes in with Sanemi and Kanaes' then turned to grab laundry detergent. Shinobu took advantage of his back being turned and tossed her underwear in and stepped back, he turned around and paused, looking at her expectantly. "Oh, I already put them in there." He nodded, added the liquid to the machine and shut it, setting it to light wash. The machine started to hum, "Umm sorry if I'm..." they both started, "Okay, let me just say, I didn't mean to make it weird in my room. Sorry." She laughed, "That wasn't weird, just you were naked I freaked out a little cause you're... attractive." He had stepped into her space, placing his hand on the dryer behind her. Closing her in, "Well, good, because I think you're attractive too. It took a lot for me to not open that bathroom door just to see you."

Her face heated up, "That's... I... you could've, I wouldn't have minded." She turned her face away; he grabbed her chin and turned her back to him. "I also love the way you look in my hoodie," he stooped down a little grabbing her by the waist and lifting her onto the dryer. "It makes me want to rip it off of you." His hand brushed her thigh, feeling her skin and lifting the bottom of the fabric a little. Her breath hitched, he leaned closer to her, she could feel his breath against her lips. She parted her lips and leaned forward, "ALRIGHT!" They both jumped and Giyuu clasped a hand over his mouth and turned swiftly away from her, she sat there, dumbfounded. "What are you two taking so long for? We've got games to play!" Sanemi had just barged into the laundry room, Giyuu shoot him an intense glare that did not escape Shinobus notice. "We're coming." Shinobu hopped off the dryer, grabbing Giyuus hand and dragging him behind her. Sanemi was about four shoots in and hadn't even realized he interrupted them.

They walked into the living room, Shinobu made her way to Mitsuri, sitting down next to her on the couch, leaving room for Giyuu next to her. He happily plopped down next to her and stretched and arm behind her, she leaned into him. Kanae had chosen a drinking game, one that Sanemi was apparently really bad at. "Okay, what're we playing?" Giyuu asked, Mitsuri looked up from her cards, "Cards Against Humanity, but you drink if your card DOESN'T get picked. Obanai is winning so far." He looked over to the man, his mask still covering his face, he briefly wondered why he was still wearing it here. "Sounds easy, it also sounds like I'll be drinking a lot since no one ever chooses my cards." Shinobu stifled a laugh, "Sounds to me like you aren't funny." He feigned hurt, "You wound me." She rolled her eyes. 

Shinobu x Giyuu, Ubuyashiki AquariumWhere stories live. Discover now