Drinking Games

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Shinobu had her legs tucked under her, fully leaning into Giyuus side, a blanket covered them, she was cold. He still had his left arm around her, nothing serious. They were about three rounds into this game. Obanai was still on a winning streak, Sanemi and Giyuu seemed to be the worst at this. It was Shinobus turn, she read the black card aloud, "It lurks in the night, it hungers for flesh. This summer no one is safe from _____." She set the card down watching as everyone chose their cards and sat them face down in front of her. She looked at Giyuu, his facial expression was unreadable, until his eyebrows lifted her chuckled lightly at the card and set it down. "Okay, everyone ready?" Mitsuri switched out her card last second, "Yes ma'am!"

Okay, she held them all in front of her, "We have 'Ronald Mcdonald', 'A raging foot fetish', 'The red Teletubby, Po.', 'Moth Man', and 'crystal meth'. Well, let's see," She looked at them again, none of them were bringing tears to her eyes, but visualizing a Teletubby raging for blood was entertaining. "I guess I'll go with this one." She held up the card, "YES! FINALLY!" Giyuu shouted next to her. Sanemi stood up, "You're telling me the Teletubby one is funnier than Ronald Mcdonald? I call BS!" Kanae tugged on his shirt, "Nemi, I thought yours was funny." that placated Sanemi momentarily, he sat back down and poured the shots for everyone. Giyuu spoke up, "I'm going to order some pizza, who wants what?"

He had punched in all their orders into the app on his phone, mumbling about Obanais 'horrendous choice for pineapple on his pizza.' "Shinobu took the phone when he was done and plugged in a couple 2-liter sodas and a brownie. He looked at her, "What? I figured we should drink sodas too since we're almost out of water." He looked over his shoulder to the almost empty case of water against the wall, nodding in agreement and adding an extra 2-liter. She giggled at him, "Are you drunk?" Giyuus face was red, their proximity and the alcohol making his cheeks red. "Yeah, probably. I've lost all but one round. Are you drunk?" She shook her head, "Nope, I made a supplement that lowers the effects of alcohol on me, I take before I ever go out with friends or to a bar. It also causes me to become immediately nauseous if I drink something that's been drugged." he squinted, trying to align the two Shinobus he could see, "You're smart. How do you do that?" She shrugged, "I have a degree in toxicology and am good at chemistry? Or did you want the specifics for the supplement?" They played a few more rounds, Shinobu and Mitsuri were barely showing signs of being the least bit buzzed, of course she would have her roommate take the supplement too.

There was a knock at the door accompanied by the doorbell. "I'll get it." she stood up, shuffling around Giyuus legs, trying not to bump into the table. "I'll come with you," Giyuu stood up, steadying himself against the couch. "Maybe, hold on, the room is spinning." She started walking to the door, opening it and greeted the pizza guy. "Hello, miss, I have four large pizzas, some 2-liters and a brownie?" he confirmed, she nodded, "Yes, thank you." He handed her the receipt, "Please sign here.... and uhm maybe I could get your phone number?" There were some heavy steps behind her, and before she could speak, Giyuu stood menacingly behind her, looking over her head and down his nose at the guy, with a very intense glare "No, she is taken." He snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her backwards and to the side. The guy stuttered, "Oh, ok...okay, man, s...s... sorry!" He frantically handed Giyuu the pizzas and put the rest of the stuff on the floor in front of the door. He stood there for a moment as Giyuu pulled his wallet out, using one hand to wrestle the 2,000 Yen note out of his wallet and handing it to the guy. "Have a good night." The guy nodded and rushed off. Shinobu stepped forward and grabbed the drinks off the ground, Giyuus took a step back and his eyes wandered to her ass. He quickly looked away when she stood back up, holding everything in her arms and kicking the door shut. He took one of the bottles out of her hands so she wouldn't drop it.

The others were leaning around the corner of the living room, looking down the hall at the pair, Obanai spoke up first, "Nice going Mr. 'No, she's taken.'" he said mocking Giyuus serious voice, "You probably scared that guy into blacklisting our complex." Giyuu flipped him off, "Shut up, he was being skeezy, bet you wouldn't have liked it if he was eyeing up Mitsuri like that!" Giyuu countered, "You're right I wouldn't have, but I wouldn't have acted like a neanderthal." Obanai responded, unphased by Giyuus tone. "I thought it was cute." Mitsuri added, Kanae nodded, "Yeah, I wouldn't have wanted to be stuck in that situation, I don't like saying no to people but he probably would've gotten the wrong idea if she had given him it." Sanemi gave Giyuu a fist bump, "Good job, dude. Very 'touch her you die' of you." Giyuu scoffed, "What are you talking about? This isn't one of those romance books." They all sat back down, Kanae got plates and cups for them.

Shinobu x Giyuu, Ubuyashiki AquariumWhere stories live. Discover now