Chapter 14. "Friends?"

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Emily looked away from William and toward Sam. He  was still talking, but his jaw was tight. "I am going to see Gwyn," Emily said, getting up. He nodded and shot a look at William. Weird, Emily thought. She walked over to Gwyneth, on the other side of the fire. Gwyneth handed her a cup. "What's this?" she took a sip and spit it out, "vodka," Gwyn said. "It tastes bitter," Emily handed her the cup. "Quin bought it." Emily saw Quin waving at her, and Gwyn waved back with a smile. Gwyn seemed to easily fit in with them.

"What is going on with you and James," Emily asked. "He is quite nice if you get to know him, but still, I don't think he is my type though," she said. "Does he know that?" Emily asked, nodding toward James, who looked away. Gwyn let out  a sigh, " I made it as clear as I could. I could really use him as my friend, and honestly, I don't see him as something more." Emily rested her head on Gwyn's shoulder. Gwyn immediately patted her head. "He was watching you today," Gwyn said. "Who?" Emily looked at her.

Gwyn pulled her fiery hair to her side. "William," she said in a hushed tone. "He was?" Emily got up. "Yes, I saw it, and Sam just pulled you close. It was nice to see at least he does care, and Emily stop being so excited about William. People might think you have feelings for him." Emily could feel the question lingering, and Gwyn finally asked her. "Do you.. still?"

"No," she lied. It came out too fast, too practiced. She glanced at him, holding Isabel like she was the most precious thing in the world, the same way he held her, but he with Isabel seemed different. He seemed better. "Oh my god, Emily Hale, you are still in love with William," Gwyn gasped. "Keep quiet, will you?" she glared at her. "Dude, are you?" Gwyn asked. Emily didn't say a word. It was enough for Gwyn to know.

"I knew you did. Goodness Emily, does he know that you are still not over your ex, but honestly, I don't blame you. Both of you moved on pretty fast, but Emmy, this is bad, " she shook her head. "It's not, I am moving on, and Sam is nice. I like him, " she said. Gwyn took a breath, "Don't make any -"

"Emily?" came a voice as Emily looked up to meet a pair of  extremely familiar grey eyes. She glanced at Gwyn and back at William. "Yes?" she asked. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he said, shifting from one foot to another. "Sure," she got up, "I will be back," she told Gwyn and nodded at him. She wondered how much he heard.

On her way, she caught Sam looking at Emily and William. He subtly showed her a thumbs up, "Good luck," he mouthed. She smiled at him. "Here," William said, pulling out her books, "you could have given it to Gwyn. You didn't have to bring it here," she said. "I know, but I wanted to give them to you myself," he said.

"Thank you." she took the books, their fingers brushed against each other, and she immediately withdrew her hand. "Emmy, I wanted to talk to you. See, we both seemed to move on, and I am extremely sorry for what I did. I should have told you."

"Yeah, right," Emily said. "I know you are angry," he said. "Angry?" She asked. "I am furious."I am sorry," he said. "Good," she looked away at the sea. "I know you are furious right now, but I hope maybe we can still be friends. You were one of my best friends, Emmy," he said, taking her hand. She still felt the spark she always felt. The boy in front of her was going to be the death of her.

Emily knew being friends with your ex was never a good idea. If they ended on bad terms and mutually hated each other, it would have been much better, but being friends meant being around each other most of the time, it meant still being like a couple but not a couple, this was bad.

"Emily?" She thought Sam was calling her. She looked at William, "Emily" she heard Sam's voice clearly once again until he was really there. He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Hello William," he said, his greeting cold. "Hello, Sam. What are you doing here?" William said in the same tone.

Sam looked at Emily in a "do you want out way." Emily shook her head and turned to William, "Sure," Emily said. "I came to get my girlfriend  if you don't mind," he said. "Absolutely not," William said with a smile. "Let's go, angel," he took her hand. "What did he want?" he asked when William was far away from the earshot . "He wanted to be friends," she said.

Sam looked at Emily. She could see him holding his laugh, "laugh, I dare you, laugh," she turned toward him. "I am not laughing," he said, looking down. "You are finding the sand amusing?" She asked. "I could really," he scoffed."You trying hard not to," she said, walking forward. "Please tell me you said no," he said, following her. "Why should I? I said sure we can be friends," she stated in a casual tone.

"Being friends with your ex never ends well. You can never be just friends, you know that, right? " he said. Emily looked down at the sand. " Finding the sand amusing?" He asked. "I know," she threw her head back, " i know the complications, and he is too involved in my life to cut him off completely," she said. "People might assume you are mad if you keep up with your dramatics. Besides, we all make stupid decisions. Dating him was yours. No worries, " he patted her shoulder. She swatted his hand away.

"Do you want to leave?" she asked. The campfire was not how she thought it would be at all. "I thought you would never ask," he said. She searched for Gwyneth, she was talking with Charlie, Emily waved at her. Gwyn blew her a kiss, and she blew one back. Sam turned and signaled to Edward he was leaving. Edward nodded, and he turned his attention back around to a girl in a red tank top.

"Are these always this boring?" Emily asked, holding his arm. "Always," Sam ran a hand through his hair. "Do you want me to drop you home?" he asked, starting his car. "Not yet. Do you want to get some food first?" she asked.

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