Chapter 39. "Shit, I am in love"

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His lips were softer than she thought. They both seemed to fit perfectly with each other. His hands went to her waist, pulling her close while her hand threaded into his hair. Time seemed to stop for both, and all that mattered was them at the moment. The realization seemed to hit them both at the same time as they pulled apart.

"I um," Emily said, looking around. She could feel Sam's eyes on her, "we should get you home," he said, looking away. "Right," she picked Brownie up as the door seemed to creak. "Hey, who is that?" came a voice. They both looked at each other and ran, laughter echoing in those empty halls.

"That was close," Sam said, leaning against his seat. "What happened to we won't get caught," Emily said, slowly stroking Brownie, who was sleeping on her lap. "The risk was worth it," Sam said, starting his car. She shook her head as the kiss suddenly came to her mind. In those moments, the memory of the kiss slipped out, and now, sitting in the car next to him, it felt weird.

He seemed to think the same thing, neither spoke a word the whole way, Sam raised to volume of the song to somehow compensate for their groqing silence. She closed her eyes and leaned back. They messed up everything. He stopped in front of her house, and neither one got down. Everything was suddenly different. Was the risk worth all this awkwardness?

"Good night, Sam," she finally said. "It's never going to be the same, is it?" he asked. "No, it's not," she said. "Happy birthday. Emily, " he said, looking at her. "Thank you, Sam," she got out, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew Sam Watson was trouble. She watched him drive off before closing the door.

She immediately ran up to her room, Ed was already sitting on her bed, "Happy seventeenth, wait, what is wrong with you, and why do you have a puppy?" he said, getting up. "Everything is fine, great," she said. Edward took Brownie.

"Hey, little guy," he said, stroking his ear. Brownie coiled to his touch, "he likes me," he said. "I think he does, Congratulations and happy birthday," she said, falling into her bed.

"How did you get one?" he asked, laying next to her. Brownie made himself comfortable between the two. "Sam gave it to me," she said, turning towards him. "He must really like you then," he said. "You think?" she asked. "I know him and you, so yes," he said. "What did you name him?" he asked. "Brownie," she said as he looked up.

"Everything fine with you?" he asked. "I kissed Sam, I mean, we both kissed each other," she said. "You two have kissed a lot of time," he said. "Yeah, but it was different," she said, "and I think we messed up."You didn't mess anything up. You just need to talk it out," he said, getting up. "Goodnight, twinie," he hugged her. She hugged him back, "Ed," she said. "Yeah,?" he looked at her.

"Could you stay?" she asked. "Of course, shift," he said, getting into the bed. She took his arm and they slept like they did when they were kids in a shared blanket facing each other, he wrapped his arm around her, she missed her brother these years, and she would miss him more when he would go off to college.

Sam was confused when he reached home. He just kissed Emily, and she kissed him back. He needed to talk to anyone and tell anyone the mess he made. He rang the only person he could think of.

"This better be important. It's the middle of the bloody night." James's annoyed voice came from the other side. "We need to talk," he said. "What did you do now?" James rubbed his eyes. "Come over," he said. "On my way," he drove to his house.

"Are you alright?" James asked, opening the door. "I have no idea. Something happened. How was your date with Patricia?" Sam asked, walking in. "It was fine, but she is not Gwyn, you know, no one is," he said. "Have you considered that maybe, just maybe she likes you back?" Sam said. "I think she made that she doesn't all these years," he said. "Things might change. You might like a person you never thought you would," he said.

"Hold up, where is coming from?" James asked. "I kissed Emily," he said, closing his eyes. She came back to his mind, her smile, her laugh. "So, what's wrong with that?" James asked. "We aren't dating," he said. "You broke up with her. Come on, Sam, we all liked her. How could y"

"Let me finish, James. I didn't break up with her. We never dated in the first place. Remember that day at detention, we made a pact to enter a relationship, " he said. "So all this, the dates, the smiles all were fake just to get your exes back. Sam, that's messed up, " he said. "I know," Sam said, "now where are you two standing on the pact?" he asked.

"I don't know, we kissed for real, I think, and I felt something, I don't know how to explain it to you," he said. "Like nothing else matters when she is near. She shines brighter than everyone, and it feels like where has she been your entire life, and she makes your life better?" he asked.

"Yes," Sam said. "Congratulations, Sam you are in love with Emily Hale and now William and Isabel both want you two back in short you are fucked," James got up. "I will get some snacks, it's going to be a long night," James said. Sam looked out, shit he was in love with Emily Hale

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