Chapter 19. "They broke up"

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"They broke up," Sam said the moment he saw her. "Happy bir-" Emily stopped, "Are you sure?" Emily closed her locker. "Stephanie said James, and both of them are never really wrong, so there is a ninety-nine percent chance that they broke up," Sam leaned against the locker. "That is great news," she said. "Happy birthday, Sam," people wished him as they passed them. "Wait," she pulled out a white box from her bag and gave it to him.

"Open it, it is a little something for you," she said. he tugged at the white ribbon. Inside, it was a necklace with an oval pendant to keep pictures in "It isn't much." she started  "it's beautiful, thank you, Emily." he looked up. "You're welcome." she smiled, and Sam noticed how her whole face lit up. 

"Let's go to class. I can't wait to see them today," Emily said,   Sam gave her his hand. She took it as they walked into the class. "Wait, a moment, I need to get my books." Sam opened his locker as several roses fell out. "Happy birthday, Sam," Emily said, watching him search for his books.

"They are not sitting together," Emily whispered as Sam sat next to her, "don't stare," he said. "I am not." Emily pulled out her books, "Really?" Sam asked. "Can't help look at her," she said. Isabel was looking at her book and talking to Clarisse away from William. "Are we bad people for enjoying it?" he asked.  "Probably yes, but it's fun," Emily said. "True," Sam said.

"Pull out your books," Mr. Stephen said, walking it. "Hey, Emmy," he said. "Keep quiet," Emily said, noting down from the board. "Emily," he called again. "What is it?" she asked. "Look back," he said. Emily furrowed her brows to her right. Gwyn and James were talking, and to her left, her brother shamelessly stared at Rowan sitting ahead of him.

"What the hell is happening?" Emily asked. "I know," Sam said, noting down the words. The bell rang as he continued talking. "Do people even listen to him?' Sam asked, walking out. "No, Georgia was sleeping at the back, and Gabbi always doddles," she said. "What class do you have next?" he asked, carrying her bag for her, "Spanish, he will show us our grades today," she said. "Let me walk you there," he said. "What do you have now?" she asked. "French," he said, stopping in front of the class, "here we are," he turned. "Thank you,"  she took her bag. "Adios, Emily,"  he said. "Au revoir, Sam." Emily walked into the classroom with a smile. 

"I expected more from you," Mr. Rodrigues said as he handed her Spanish paper. She looked up at her teacher, "Really?' she asked, "how can I score that bad? " she asked. "Maybe your effort is lacking," the middle-aged man moved on to the next student.

"I am failing Spanish," Emily said as she met Sam in the hallway. "You are failing something. Do you need me to believe that?" he asked. "I am not failing, but I got a b that ruins my straight A's," she said, crumpling the paper. "I can teach you if you like,"  he said. "You know Spanish?" she asked. "Yes, and why is that surprising to you," he asked.

"I am sorry, it's just the b,"  she rubbed her eyes. "First b?" he asked. She nodded. "Yeah, those hurt," he said. "You never got a b in your life. Stop talking," she said. "Hey, not everyone can be me, but you can try," he shrugged, Emily rolled her eyes. " Don't worry, Emily, I will help you, " he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She turned around and hugged him, "Thank you," she whispered. Sam smiled as he hugged her back, "we are in the middle of the hallway," he said.

"Don't care," she hugged tighter. After a while, she pulled back, "Better?" he asked. "Yeah, now we have history, don't we?" she asked. "Yes," Sam said. "Another test, why don't they just kill us? It would be easier," she dropped her head to his chest. "It will be fine." he took her to the class by her shoulder. Emily sat on her seat, and Edward was already there. "Hello, Emmy," he said with a smile.

"You didn't study, did you?" Emily asked, dropping her books. "Why should I when I have you?" he patted the chair next to him. "Go to hell," she sat next to him.  Sam sat behind them with James. Emily easily aced the test while  Edward managed to successfully copy her whole paper. "Study from next time, will you, I won't help you every time," Emily said, getting up. "We both know you don't mean that,"  he grinned. She hated him. "What got you so pissed? Your ex broke up with his girlfriend. You should be happy," he said. "I got a b," she said. "You passed. You should be grateful," he said. "Why do I even bother?" she said, walking away.

"My life is a mess," she told Gwyn the moment she saw her. Gwyn immediately hugged her, "Have a chocolate." she gave her a chocolate bar. "What would I do without you?" Emily asked. "Die, really you would not survive," Gwyn said. "I really won't survive," she said. 

"What are you reading?" James said, sitting next to Sam in the cafeteria. "Hola, James, estoy ocupado,"  he said  without looking up. "Why the hell are you reading Spanish for beginners? You quit Spanish after a day," James said. "Emily got a b in Spanish, and he is learning a new language to impress her," Rowan said, sitting next to him, "Am I right, or am I right?" he asked. "You are wrong, brother. I am trying to help her, " Sam said, flipping a page,

"By suddenly learning the language you gave up on after a single day?" James asked. "I am just trying to help," Sam said. "Oh, you are just a naturally helpful person?" Rowan asked. "I am helpful," Sam tried. "You can admit you like her a lot," Edward said, sitting next to James.  "I do like her she is my girlfriend," he said, "and now your ex is coming." James looked up to see Isabel walking towards them.

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