Chapter 42. "We are done"

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"Well done, Emily," Mr. Rodriguez said, handing her her Spanish score. There was a bright red A on the corner of the paper. "Thank you, sir," she said, walking out of the class, "did you hear Isabel and William broke up," the girl in front of her said. "When are they not breaking up," her friend said. Emily knew she shouldn't eavesdrop but couldn't control herself.

"They broke up for good this time," she continued. "Why, though?" her friend asked. "It's something about their exes." Emily's eyes widened. "What are you even doing?" Gwyn asked, walking next to her. "Shut up, let me listen," Emily said. "Okay," Gwyn whispered. "Hey, Emily," someone called her. "What is with people calling me?" she turned to see Will standing behind her.

"Not a good time?" he asked. "No, it's fine, what is it?" she asked, looking at Gwyn, who pointed at Sam walking their way. "Yes?" she asked. "Well, Ms. Talia gave us this team assignment, and I was wondering if you wanted to partner up," he said. She saw Sam glance their way as Isabel stopped him. "Emily?" Will asked. "Yeah?" she said. "I asked you if you wanted to be partners for the project?" he said.

"Yeah, right, sure, I would love to be your partner," she said. "Cool, see you later to talk about the project," he said. "Sure, bye, Will," she said. Gwyn hit her arm, "Sure, I would love to be your partner. You are getting back together with that douche?" she asked.

"We aren't getting back together. We are just partnering up," she said. "Who do you think you are kidding?" she asked. "Leave me. What is going on with you and James?" she asked. A red blush spread over her cheeks, "are you seriously blushing?" Emily asked. "No, I am not," Gwyn said. "Try saying that to your face. You are all red," Emily said.

"Well, we are together," Gwyn said. "As in a relationship together?" Emily asked. "Yes," she said. Emily hugged her, "I am so happy for you," she said. "I am happy too," Gwyn said. "So how did it happen, I want every detail," Emily said.

"One moment we were talking, and the next I kissed him," she said. "Emily," she heard Sam call her. "Go," Gwyn said, Emily took a deep breath and walked towards him. "Hi," he said. "Hi, and thank you," she said, handing him her exam paper. A smile spread on his lips, "told you you would ace it, good job," he said. "I hate to admit it, but it is because of you," she said. "You are welcome, angel," he said.

"So, there is the assignment, Ms. Talia gave, "Do you have a partner?"" he asked. "Maybe we could pair up, I would rather pair up with you rather than Jessica," he said. She laughed as she saw Jessica looking at him, "I am surprised I have not been attacked by your fan club yet, but I have a partner, William asked me just now," she said.

"Oh," his smile seemed to fall, but it was back again. The transition was too quick. She thought she imagined it. "Good for you, you must be happy?" he asked. She wasn't as much as she hoped for, but wasn't that what she wanted?

"I am," she lied, "what about you? I saw you and Isabel talk," she said. Sam looked at Isabel as she smiled at him while she passed. Normally, his heartbeat would quicken, but it didn't. Emily followed his gaze. "She seems into you," she said.

"She and William broke up," he said. "I heard," she said. "Did she say something about getting back together?" she asked. "She did. She wants to be back," he said. "What did you say?" she asked. "I just told her I would think about it," he said. "Maybe you should get back together with her," she said, spotting her scrunchie still around his wrist. She looked away.

"You think?" he asked. "I do. The pact was successful, wasn't it? She wants to get back together. He wants me back, we both got what we wanted, didn't we?" she asked. "We did," he said with a smile. "Right," she nodded. "So you think we should break up?" he asked.

"It's only suiting we do," she said. He nodded, "so this it is then?" he asked, looking at her. "I guess I would miss being your fake girlfriend, darling," she said. "I would miss spending time with you, angel," he said. "Hey, you can't get rid of me this easy, we will still meet up," she said, though she knew they would never be like before. "I would look forward to it," he said, smiling.

"Do you think we should tell everyone?" she asked. "They will know. Good luck with William, Emily," he said. "Good luck with Isabel," she stretched out her hand. He shook it, and they parted ways. After exactly two months, they parted ways just like the ex pact said.

"What happened?" Gwyn asked as Emily walked towards her. "We are done," Emily said with a smile. "You okay?" Gwyn asked. "I am, I am getting back with William. Let's go," Emily pulled her away

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