Chapter 30. Jackets and scrunchies

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"Why are we here again?" Emily asked, looking around their school's café. "The weekly dates that we agreed on Emily, everyone can see us, and half of the kids are here," he said. "We also agreed upon love n" "here," he interrupted, giving her a folded white paper, "I tried my best," he said. "Thank you, shit, they are coming," Emily said, dunking.

"Why the hell are you dunking under the table?" he asked . "It was a reflex, never mind." she fixed her hair, and the pearl bracelet dangled from her wrist. Sam turned a bit to get a look, "laugh," he said. "What?" she asked, trying to get a look at them. "Just pretend to laugh at something I said quick," he said.

Emily made her best attempt to laugh, but it came out bad, very bad. Sam closed his eyes as they passed their table. "Great," Emily said, holding her head in her hands. "You know what, Emmy, no matter what you do, never go into acting," Sam said. "God, do you realize how you sounded?" he asked.

"Who cares, Sam, we are the hottest and the most talked about couple on the campus. Today, I heard Carla Martin say she wishes for a relationship like us, " Emily said. "Carla, who?" he asked. "Carla Martin, the girl in the year below us," she said, but he still seemed clueless. "The blonde with green eyes?" she tried. "The one who tried to hook up with Edward," she said in a way she knew he would catch. "That blonde girl," he said. "That was exactly what I said, never mind," Emily said, taking a bite of her pastry.

"What are they doing now," Emily asked, hearing the gossip generate about them. "Buying food and being happy," he said. "Wait a moment," she pulled out his leather, "you carry it with you?" he asked. "You are my boyfriend, aren't you so as I good girlfriend I keep your jacket with me" she putting it over her shirt, "he is looking now isn't he?" she asked. "Yep," he said, looking down to hide his smile.

"Now, do as I say, I know exactly how to get on his nerves," she said. "Wait, I don't have anything of yours to carry," he said, looking at her hair tied with a white scrunchie. She followed his eyes, "no" she immediately said. "It's just a scrunchie," he said. "It's my favorite one," she said, "and that leather jacket was my favorite," he said.

Emily pulled her hair out, "The things I do for him, besides you never told me it was your favorite," she said, handing him her precious white floral scrunchie. "You have to take care of it," she said, still holding it. "I will," Sam said, reaching for it. "Promise it," she said. "I promise you, Emily Hale, that I would forever and ever take care of your precious scrunchie now. may I have it?" he asked.

"Fine," she handed him as he tied it around his wrist, "you are not going to wear that around, are you?" she asked. "I might," he shrugged. "He is looking this way," Sam said. "Brilliant" her lips curved up as she slowly laced their fingers and kept it in a clear view of everyone. "Now look at me, like I am the best thing you ever saw," she said.

"That might be quite difficult," he said. Emily rolled her eyes, "you are really difficult to team up with," she said. "I will grow on you," he said, taking her other hand. "We should now talk in a low voice," she said. "I used to cringe at the couples with PDA," he said. "We are called cute, and I think Jasmine Dsouza just snapped a picture of us," Emily said.

"Do you think we should leave?" he leaned in. "We should stay for a bit," she leaned in too. He softly tucked her hair, "what shampoo do you use?" he asked. He saw her brows form a crescent moon, "why?" she asked. "Your hair is really soft, and is it lavender?" he asked. "Yes," she said, "I think we should leave," she said. "Yeah," he said, leaning back into the chair.

"Angel?" he said loud enough for them to hear. She took his hand and got up. He interlaced their fingers, "Take my waist," she said. "What?" he asked, "Just do it, will you," she said, his hand resting on her waist as he opened the door. "They were looking," he said. "I know they were. Look, I thought about it a lot after you left, " she said but soon noticed the students passing, anyone could hear them, and then they would be screwed.

"Let's go to class, Clark is already going to be there," she said. "You do realize it's not normal to drop a conversation midway," he said following her, "and you do realize that anyone could hear us plot revenge against our exes, and then we would be screwed," she said walking into their English class. Mr. Clark was already there, "Both of you two are late. Take your seat fast," he said, frowning. Sam looked at his watch, "we are right on time," he whispered to Emily. "He is early like always," she said, sitting at the seat at the back of the class.

She smiled at Gwyn, who was sitting next to James, Sam noticed them too. "Are they finally together?" he asked. "Soon they will be, but don't jinx it." she pulled out her books, "What were you talking about?" Sam asked, "right, I thought about how wrong we are going with the whole thing and though we are established as a couple it's not bothering them anymore we need to step up our game," she said.

"Alright, how exactly do you suggest we do that," he asked. "If we two wish to talk, feel free to walk off my class," he said. Sam and Emily glanced at each other. "As if he teaches anything," Emily mumbled as the door suddenly flung open.

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