Chapter 15. "You belong with me"

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"So pizza or burgers?" Sam asked, taking a sip of his soda. "Pizzas," Emily popped a fry into her mouth. The cafe was nearly empty, it was them with an elderly couple next to the window. Emily tapped her feet to the soft music playing. It was peaceful a word she didn't think she would ever associate with Sam.

"Alright, my turn, tea or coffee?" Emily asked. "Coffee," Sam said, "tea," Emily answered. "Summer or winter?" Sam asked. "Summer, you?" she asked. "Winter," he said. "None of our choices seem to match, alright. This is a big one," Emily said, rubbing her hands, "brace yourself."

Sam leaned in with a smile. He had a nice smile, and she wondered, "Okay, the pressure is definitely on," he said. "It definitely is. Okay, it is going to decide if you can continue to be my fake boyfriend or not," she said. "Okay, let's see," Sam laughed. "Cats or dogs," she asked. "Dogs," Sam said. "Finally someone in my friend group who likes puppies,Gwyn is a cat person, and Ed is not much of an animal person," she said.

"They are extremely cute," she said. "I know," he said. "Right, see, we are good together," she said. "All it took were puppies to impress you," he said, taking one of her fries, "Hey, you have some," she said. "Yours are better," he said.

"I am a simple person, Sam. You can have my whole heart with just a puppy, " she said. "I will remember that, but why didn't you get one?" he asked. "My mother didn't let me get one, I brought one home, and now my cousin has that. She is pretty cute, but I always wanted one of my own. I would have named it a brownie," she said, taking another fry.

"That's a cute name," he said. She nodded and let out a sigh, "I can hope. She said I can have one after I am responsible enough," she said. "You seem quite responsible," he said. "I know" "your birthday is next month. You can get one," he said. "Yeah, wait, how do you know?"
"You share a birthday with my best friend, love," he said. "Right," she said, she caught them sneaking in and out several times on their shared birthday.

"You celebrated all your birthdays with him," he asked. "That's how it is to have a twin. Our parents wish us at midnight every year at the exact time," she said. He nodded, "when is your birthday?" she asked. "You don't know?" he asked. "No, I remember the roses you get but not the exact date," she said. Sam's birthday or the birthday of any one of the elites was a big deal. Several girls kept roses and chocolates in their lockers. They threw elaborate birthday parties. It was what many looked forward to.

"Tomorrow," he leaned back. "Wait, really?" she asked. "Yes, it's not a big deal," he said. "It will be at school," she said, remembering the roses. "It will," he said, nodding. "You enjoy the popularity, don't you?" she asked. "Who doesn't?" he asked.

"Okay, elaborate parties or small gatherings?" she asked. "Small gatherings," he said without missing a beat. "Really, I would not have guessed," she said, taking his fry. "Hey," he said. "Yours are better," she said with a smile. "You are not funny," he said, "thank you, darling," she said. "So what's your ideal thing?" She asked.

"Thing? You are extremely bad at framing questions, " he said."You want anything else?" he asked. "No," she said, he called the waiter. "I meant a party. What's your ideal type?" she said. "I don't like crowds much, so a quieter celebration with just my closet people," he said.

"I am paying," she said. "Why? I can, I should," he said, pulling out his wallet. "You bought me ice cream, I can easily pay for your soda and fries. It is only fair, " she said, putting the money out. "Do as you like," Sam said. "I will," she said.

"Home?" he asked, walking out of the restaurant. She looked up. He was taller than her. "Yes," she said, getting into his car. He turned on the radio, and Taylor swift burst out. She immediately turned the volume up.

"She doesn't get your humor as I do," she started singing along. Sam raised his eyebrows, "what you never sang along to your favorite artist?" she asked. "I did, but I never shouted," he said. "That's the fun thing. When you sing loudly, you don't care about anything else for a moment, at least, try it. Join me, " she said.

"Hey, isn't this easy," she said poking him. "And you've got a smile that can light up this whole town," he joined in. "I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down.

Sam took the turn to her house, "let's finish the song," Emily said. "Your parents are going to worry. It's getting late," Sam said. "We are outside my home," she waved at her father through the kitchen window. He waved back and then stopped. "See?" her cheery tone changed." Shit," she realized.

"Congratulations, you are screwed," he said. "You are coming home with me," she said, getting out. "Emily, I can't meet him now," he said. "You met him like a thousand times," she said, opening his door. "I wasn't dating you then, Emily." he pulled the door towards him. "See, Sam," she started. "Yes, Emily?" he asked. "It will be fine. He won't kill you," she said. "I highly doubt that, he surely won't approve of me," he said. "He won't," Emily said. She knew he wouldn't.

"How bad can it go?" she asked as her father got out of the house. "Extremely bad," Sam said, watching him. "He isn't here, is he?" she asked. "Right behind you," he said, getting out of the car.

"Hello, Mr. Hale," Sam said. Emily held his hand out of her father's eyesight. "Hello, Sam. What are you doing here?" he asked. "I um, I came to drop Emily off. See you at school, Ang, Emily, " he said. "Goodnight, Mr. Hale" he noddee and got in his car as fast as he could.

"I will be in a minute," she said to her father, going back. "You are so afraid of him," she said. "He is terrifying to have you seen his eyes," he said. "I have the same eyes," Emily furrowed her brows. "I never said you were not terrifying," he said, starting his car.

"See you at school tomorrow, Sam," she said, laughing. "Bye, Emily." With that, he drove off.

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