Chapter 12: My Girl

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A few days ago when Chris and I returned each other's phone memory cards, I couldn't stand him asking me if I had seen everything in it. He would then keep on harassing me, and because it irritated me so much, I went to the dean's office to tell on him that he had porn videos in his phone's memory card.

Now today, the dean came in and asked for his phone. He complained why it would be with him, and the dean gave him a straight answer, "Because there are videos in there that you shouldn't be bringing, watching, or showing to anyone at school."

Chris gave up and gave the dean his phone. When second period ended, he was so pissed, "Who the hell was that thick-skinned idiot who told the dean about my videos?!" he shouted letting most of us hear. He was near me when he shouted that.

 Maybe this could be a good opportunity to tell him so he'll get mad at me and stop bothering me!

Mustering up all my courage, I voiced out, "It was me. You got a problem with that?" I was trying my best to hide my fear of him channeling his rage to me.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and the unexpected happened, "I'm sorry for calling you a thick-skinned idiot Jade." he apologized sincerely!

I wasn't aiming for that!

He then hugged me tightly and said, "I'm sorry for shouting at you, my girl."

"Your what?!"

"Yeah, my girl, cause you're my girl." he curled his lips, smiling like a cat.

"Okay, I am NOT your girl!"

"But we're married!" he pouted.

"We never were and never will be!"

I sighed in relief when our next teacher came in the room. Haaa... Now I won't have to deal with dodo there for a while and relax myself.

I told on you to get you away from me, not flirt with me more!

Our next subject was History, and we had groups to make out diagrams for assigned topics for each group. We had to write them down on a big illustration board to report it in class, although the report would be presented next week, I wanted to finish the diagram as soon as possible.

Although I had a group, they made me do all the work myself. Can't say I didn't see that coming.

Another person was in my area doing a group project by herself as well, "I see your group mates left you all the work too, huh Blair?"

"Yeah. But I'm fine with it." he shrugged.

Chris came near to watch me work on the project because he had nothing else to do. Blair's boyfriend also came near to keep her company. But soon flirted with her while she was working. Because I was a little close with Marvin, Blair's boyfriend, I teased him, "Marvin, that's something else now!" and he just stuck his tongue out at me in response while Blair teased him as well.

I heard Chris snort, I grew curious and glanced at him. He then started doing the same things to me that Marvin did to Blair!

"Jade, that's something else now." Marvin copied me.

"Touche'! But I did nothing, to correct."

Marvin and Blair just laughed at the situation.

We were working on the floor, drawing the diagram. Chris was behind me. I didn't trust that spot, so I turned around to see him lifting up my skirt! "Eeek!!!" I pushed him away. I didn't know if he'd seen anything underneath or not. I was wearing shorts underneath though, but for a guy to lift a girl's skirt up and peek at her underwear, it's just wrong!

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