Chapter 33: Stare, but don't laugh

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Today, we had an activity in one of our subjects in which we would act like officers in the military where we would act all serious and diligent. Meh... Not my style...

Chris came near me and gave me a salute. I just scoffed at him doing so. Then he dug in his pocket for something, when he took that 'something' out, it was two pictures ripped out from an anime magazine. He tries to make me jealous saying he has pictures of anime characters and I don't. Please... I could search those any day on the web... But then after trying to make me jealous, he just gives me the pictures, and I'm like, Fine! Whatevs... LOL...

Our teacher didn't show up our classroom again. So, me and Faye decide to go sit by the teacher's table and talk about random stuff. Issac and Laurence ditched us to go for some chicks outside our window. Figures... I'm shocked why Chris stuck with us though...

"Jade... Style my hair for me please?" purred Chris.

"Again?" I sighed.

"Pwettie Pweash???" he begged.

"Ugh... Foinneee..."

"Great! And can you also massage my hands after?"


"Awesome! Thanks Jade!"

Ugh... Whatever... I don't care anymore...

After I styled Chris' hair, I started to massage his hands. Me and Faye were just talking about random stuff when I had to ask, "Faye? I wonder where Sam is? I haven't seen her around lately."

"Hold that thought." she said as she fiddled with her phone, "Does this answer your question?"

She took a picture at me massaging Chris' hands. Well, Chris was asleep though. "And how does this answer my question?"

"Take a good look at the ghostly figure peeping out of the curtains."

"No way! You know I hate ghosts!" I said, shoving her phone away.

"No stupid! It's not really a ghost! See?"

I then look closely at the figure peeping out of the curtains. It was Sam; she was staring at our direction with an expression that didn't look quite delighted. Oh geez... Is it because I'm massaging Chris' hand? C'mmon! It's not like I'm kissing the guy?

"Hey guys? Wanna have some fun?" said Isaac as he grabbed a chair and sat with us.

"Sure dude! What'cha have in mind?" said Chris as he got up from a quiet snooze.

"Let's play spin the ball pen!"

"Sure~!" - Chris.

"Alright." - Faye

I couldn't disagree, "Fine..."

"Great! First one who gets pointed by the tip, loves Chris!"

Luckily, the end didn't point to any of us.

"Okay... Next to get hit will receive a bite from me~!"

Unluckily, the end pointed to me this time! So, Isaac came near and held both my hands to keep me from struggling. But, being agile and quick, I escaped his hold and ran away. Chris had to call me back and thank goodness Isaac didn't pursue any further.

"How about this, Isaac?" suggested Chris, "Let's play to who can get the most points~!"

"Fine by me. How do we play?"

He smirked and whispered into Isaac's ear about the details. "Sure! I'm in!"

Isaac went first. He took my hand from me, but I swiped it back. "C'mmon Jade... I won't do anything bad..."

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