Chapter 15: Hurt

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In the afternoon at noon break today, Chris was being especially annoying. This time at break though, there were only three people in the classroom. Me, Chris, and one of our other classmates, Jenny.

I wanted to cool down and go away from the likes of him as soon as possible. And when I mean cool down, I mean I cool down.

I went to the air conditioner and let the cold air embrace my face. It was hot, since summer was coming closer and closer each week.

Out of nowhere, Chris swooped in and embraced me tightly; his arms wrapped around my waist, while his face was close to mine, he was practically kissing my ear when he whispered, "C'mmon Jade! Your parents aren't here..."

Chills went down my spine as I struggle to get out of his hold, "Huh?! Even though my parents aren't here, you can't treat me like this!"

Janette was watching us silently the entire time. Chris continued to whisper, "Awe... Please?" His hands began to travel higher up my waist and I could feel my body heat lessening. I finally managed to push him away from me.

"Chris, stop harassing Jade in school!" Janette protested.

Chris wanted to toy with me a little more, but more of our classmates started to get in the classroom, so he stopped for now.

Our teacher in arts gave us the time off to relax for now because he said that it was almost summer time. Nah! You're just a lazy-butt teacher. He just had a chat with some of my classmates to pass the time.

And because we wanted to pass the time too, me and my friends sat on the floor and and did — nothing.

Yeah. We love bonding on the floor and doing nothing...

Since all the guys weren't in the classroom for some reason, it felt peaceful knowing that we were all girls in here. Except for our teacher though, he's a guy.

Because we did nothing, I grew sleepy. So, I took my bag and made it a pillow and my handkerchief like one of those things you use when you go to sleep to hide your eyes so the annoying bright light wont pass through. I forgot what's it called... Hehehe...

Then, it started to get a little noisy. Ugh! The boys are back! So, I sat up, leaned on the wall and decided to catch some shut-eye. What? You can't blame me, I'm too sleepy!

A while later, I felt someone breathing down my lips. I quickly took my hanky, bopping the person's head in the process too. "Ow! My face!" Uh oh... That voice sound terrifyingly familiar...

"Chris! What do you think you were doing?!"

"Uh? Watching you sleep?"


This time, I made my hanky hide my mouth as I tried to make my way into snooze-ville. But, I just couldn't, because Chris would keep lowering my hanky and expose my lips. "Will you stop that? I'm trying to sleep!"

"Then sleep! I don't mind." he told me as he gave me a smirk.

Why would I when I know you'll do something to me. I don't trust you even more when you smirk!

Shockingly, he went away. Moments later, I felt someone lean against me. I opened my eyes and moved a little forward, almost to be met by Chris' lips. We both back away with shocked expressions. "That was close!" he said as he laughed about it.

Are you kidding me right now?! This guy almost kissed me for heaven's sake!

But then again, I think he's afraid to kiss a girl. Because he has had many opportunities to kiss me when I was vulnerable, which I didn't mean to be, and he hasn't kissed me yet, to my relief. He just went away after all that.

My friends just came near to talk instead. Mae suddenly started laughing out loud, out of confusion, I asked, "Are you okay Mae?"

"Yeah. But what happened earlier at lunch was hilarious!"

I thought, "At lunch? Didn't they say that they were going to go up shortly and I was alone in the room where dodo was sexually harassing me?"

"Tell me!"

She couldn't stop laughing, "I can't talk... Here, I'll show you a video instead!"

Mae then opened up her phone and showed me a video of all of them in it. I was the only one missing. They were all having so much fun without me in the video. Well, I do admit that I am not fun. I am plain, I am boring, I am just a simple nerd. I felt hurt. My own friends told me that they would follow up shortly, but instead, they had fun without me.

Well, that just pierced my fragile heart. I have done my best to be a good friend, but in the end, they weren't being good at all.

I am starting to think if I am a bad friend?

Have I done anything wrong?


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~Kurisu-chan >.<

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