Chapter 17: Peeking

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Just a few more days and my first year of high school will end. Summer is just around the corner, yet these past few days have been very lonely. Why? My so called 'friends', since that time Mae showed me the video, have been spending lesser time with me. They only talk to me within seconds for the whole day.

They mostly spend time with each other, excluding me, or with other friends. I was hurt, yet I felt used to being alone. It was a habit of mine. I was usually the type to be approached and not to approach. I wanted to talk to somebody, but I wanted them to approach me first.

We were all just finishing up some last minute projects, but I had already finished all of mine since I don't like doing things at the last minute.

So, I sat down by the desk close to the air conditioning unit to cool off and sleep or just rest my eyes...

The wind kept blowing my hair to my face. I found it annoying, so I pushed my fringes back. But, they went back to my face. It was ticklish. I kept pushing it back over and over again, but it still wouldn't stay put. I decided to leave it.

Isaac came and sat in front of me. I stared at him with sleepy eyes and he stared at me blankly. He then pushed my fringes back and it stayed at the back. Wow! He did what I couldn't. LOL. I let it be.

I peeked a little and saw that Isaac took his phone out to take a picture of me. I thought, 'I'm too tired to hide. And besides, it's only a pic of me.'

After a shutter sound, Mae came in and tried to block me telling me that Isaac was taking a picture of me. I just told her sleepily to just let him be and he wasn't doing anything wrong.

She sighed worriedly and just left me.

Protect me and leave me when I'm in no danger. Nice huh?

Without further ado, Isaac took another picture of me. Chris, who was beside him took a look at Isaac's phone and awed, "Cute! So cute! Pass that picture to me!"

Isaac didn't want to pass it to him and they quarreled. As Isaac was busy doing something else, I went into ninja mode and swiped his phone and went into his gallery. No recent pics. I guess he deleted it? That's a relief.

Because they were all so noisy and rowdy where I was trying to catch some Z's, I stood up and walked away to find another place which was more peaceful so I could rest my eyes or better yet, sleep.

The place I found perfect, was by a corner which was almost the end of the curtains up front. I sat there and embraced my knees and laid my head on it to sleep.

I think I really did fall a sleep, but I woke up because Chris woke me up to ask me on what was needed to answer a problem in Ethics. He placed a chair near me. Of course, to ask any further if he had any other questions to ask.

After I taught him, I closed the curtain and went back to sleep. But, I couldn't sleep anymore, I was wide awake. So, I just rested my eyes instead.

I somehow felt the curtain move. I slowly opened my eye to look. It was Chris, peeking at me sleeping.

When he saw that I saw him, he closed the curtain again.

 I had to admit, that was cute. Chris looking embarrassed at a little thing was adorable.

This time, I was wide awake. I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, in case dodo here would peek at me sleeping again. So, I sat up cross-legged style, popped out my phone and pressed play on my song list and listened to Counting Stars by One Republic.

Chris then opened the curtains and took my phone away! "Hey! Gimme my phone back!"

He pressed pause on my phone and gave it back to me. He took out his phone and pressed some keys and gave his phone to me, "Here. Listen to the songs on my phone. I have a lot more songs and pretty good ones too."

He then pressed I Wanna Grow Old With You by Westlife. Maybe because I was sleepy he played me a slow song. "Well, I can't say no to that."

He smiled at me sincerely and went back to answering.

It was nice that he kept me company at times.

Especially at time when my so called 'girl friends' would spend time without me.

It hurt that they ignored me when we wouldn't see each other for two months, but I felt a little happy, even though he may be the biggest pervert in school, he stills knows how to treat me properly at times.

If my friends were watching me from behind the curtains, I don't know what they would think about this situation. But I knew that if Sam was watching, she would be so jealous and would wish that she was in my place.

But, with school almost ending, it feels quite lonely to think that I wont see any of my classmates for a while.

  Oh well... I guess it's that time of season to indulge myself into creative writing and artsy activities to help cure my boredom.

Summer will be very peaceful... Except when I'm with family though...

I hate to admit it...

But I'll miss Chris too...


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~Kurisu-chan ;)

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