Chapter 41: Friends again

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Its been three weeks already since Chris hasn't talked to me even once. I would say that it was quite peaceful and I can spend more time with Sam and Mae. Faye's, still stuck with Mindy, but we're cool now. It's Chris that's so not friendly. He talks to his guy friends and plays with them, but he doesn't talk to the girls or isn't as noisy as before.

From time to time throughout those three weeks, even though Chris has been behaved or doesn't want to talk to me, I see him peek at me from time to time. Why do I know? Well, I sometimes stare at him worriedly. I can't help it! We were so close and now he's so cold! Of course it bothers me! And I hate to admit it, but I miss talking to him...

Dang it Chris! Don't make me feel this way!!!

Because Chris wasn't like himself, it made me off at times, Mae would ask me from time to time if I was even alright. But I didn't have the courage to tell any of my friends that Chris' behavior was affecting me.

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On fourth period, our teacher gave us mathematical problems to solve in the library. I answered the fifteen numbers in less than twenty-five minutes. And of course, my friends came to me for answers. Isaac then approached us to copy, along with Victor and Chris, they all sat beside Sam to copy.

"Let me copy Jade! You're so beautiful!" Isaac praised me, this was how he said he wanted to copy.

I replied, "Oh really?" Victor and Chris join in commenting so they can copy as well. But Chris doesn't dare look at me. I should know, I've been focusing on him.

While Sam was still copying my answers, Chris then began to touch Sam's legs. Sam scolded Chris and told him to stop. Chris joked to her, "What?! I'm just touching! Are you gonna tell on me to the teachers?"

Ouch! Were you pointing out that sentence to me? Because I told on you?!

Chris then began to rant jokingly on Sam saying that she'll tell on a teacher and get him suspended. I couldn't take it anymore, I was hurt. I was affected...

"Sam, Mae, I think we should go somewhere else more quiet." I collected my things so we could move.

"Yes! She's going away!" Chris blurted out. Alright, that's where you've crossed the line!

"Come on Sam. Some people here don't realize the wrong they've done!" I said as I walked ahead with my things in hand. I was so mad! Darn it! I feel like crying, my eyes hurt.

After they finished copying, we passed our notebooks to our teacher and went back to the classroom. I walked out to get some fresh air and cool down a little. I just stood by the corridor and stared at other students down on school grounds, it helped me calm down.

Minutes later, someone from behind asked me with a worried tone, "Are you mad at me, Jade?" I turned to look at the person, and asked the same. It was Chris, he came to talk to me. I haven't heard from him in three weeks, and when I finally hear him talk, he pisses me off, but now, it's different.

This time, with the both of us alone in the corridor, we started explaining things to one another. Saying how it hurt and what was wrong. We apologized to one another and everything was okay. We went back to smiling and laughing together. I missed this. But, our make up wasn't complete yet, we still had that little hurt from each other, but we decided it will all be well in time.

Chris then popped out his phone and told me he had a new number. He fidgeted with his phone, and moments later, my phone rang. It was from an unknown number. "That's my new number! Save it please?" he asked me.

I smiled, "I will Chris..." I then saved his new number to my phone book and deleted his last number. We then walked inside to wait for the next teacher to arrive.

My eyes were glued on Chris for some reason, and I was smiling. It was a little embarrassing when Chris turned to look at me, but we both wound up giggling at each other even though our seats were far away. Finally, we were okay again...

Moments later, Sam approached me and said that she was angry at Chris.

What?! Why?!?!?!

At lunch time, I went to Mae and told her what happened to me earlier by the corridor with Chris. "Yeah! I saw that! It's great that you two made up!" she congratulated me. I giggled and thanked her. "Oh! But Sam also saw the both of you and had a sour face as she walked away from seeing the both of you having a happy conversation."

"So when she told me she was mad about Chris earlier, it was about that?! Is she mad towards me too?!" I ask.

"She told you that?! ... I don't know... She's complicated..."

In the afternoon, me and Chris caught up on where we stopped and we talked mostly about random stuff, just the two of us. He also started sitting next to me again...

It felt normal again.

Everything was smooth sailing for us from now on...

Well, until the next fight we have. LOL.

Sorry, I just had to kill the moment...


Hey Guys!

Aweee.... Jade and Chris are friends now... But dang... It took long... Don't ask me why... Hahahaha!!! Stay awesome!

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~ Kurisu-chan

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