Chapter 21: Alone with You

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I found this morning very weird. Why, you ask? Because Chris was very silent today. He didn't even say 'hi' or 'good morning' to me like he usually does everyday. I don't know why it's bothering me so much though. I couldn't just keep quiet about it. It was bugging me very much. I wanted to ask why...

"Hey, Chris? You alright?"

He faced to look at me and went right back to stare at his desk, he just gave me a nod and a plain 'un' in reply.

"Are you mad? Is this because of yesterday? D-Did I upset you?"

Why did I have to ask that?!

"No! You could never get me mad at you, Jade." he faced me as he replied worriedly.

Somehow, I was relieved to hear his answer. I smiled as I released a sigh of relief.

Chris was relieved to see my reaction, and he continued, "It's just because of some guys... Don't sweat on it..." he smiled reassuringly.

I believed him and just left him to cool off. He was behaved the entire morning.

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After we all had our lunch and the bell rang, almost everyone was in the classroom. I was with my friends and we were just talking about girl stuff.

I gotta admit, sometimes talking about girly stuff bores me out... I'd rather talk about TV shows, or Crime Investigation, or Animal Planet, or Horror, and all that stuff other people might get bored about. But hey... I'm with my friends, and all of them always talk about girly stuff. Oh well...

Isaac came to join in talking, but when he learned that we were talking about girly topics, he got bored easily. So, he decided to bug Sam and hug her. Yeah... Isaac's developed a crush on Sam. She was annoyed with it too though.

I had hugging urges too, so I grabbed Emily and gave her a big bear hug.

Chris came near, only to push Emily aside and push me to the wall.

Why does Chris keep pinning me to the wall???!!!

Does he enjoy this???!!!!!

Chris gave me a bear hug to, but I managed to break free. But only to be greeted by the corner of the wall.

Great... Just great...

Now Chris was trying to hug me in between the corners of the wall!

I don't know why I can only manage out a tiny "Stop it!" when I have such a loud voice. That's going to be a problem in the future, especially if someone plans on raping me in the future.

The moment that Chris stopped and let go of me was when our Chemistry teacher entered the classroom.

I'm saved!

Sir Hover called out teams to clean out the Chemistry lab, since it was the first month of the school year and we would be using the Chemistry lab often.

Chris sat beside me and was very annoying, he couldn't stop tickling and poking me. What is up with this dodo brain?!

"Winterson." I faced our teacher who had just called me.

"Yes sir?"

"Pay attention miss Winterson!"

"Sorry Sir..." I bowed my head as I glared at Chris.

"Winterson, Valor, Norris, McSheen, Indigo, and Calderson. You six are assigned to clean the wash-up area."

"Yes sir!" we all replied.

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