Chapter 26: Sick

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Starting off the morning with a runny nose is such a drag. But, it's better than having an asthma attack. Recess time, but I don't want to get anywhere near the canteen. The air is already contaminated with foul odors and dust, and what I hate the most, a lot of people. I might die, it's like going to war.

So, I decided to wait for lunch hours to take my medicine. I decided to stay behind the curtains, my haven, to stare outside again. Also, it was another reason for me to avoid people. I don't want to gross them out with my snot. Haha! Although, I do have my lucky hanky with me.

Moments later, the curtains opened. Chris joined me in my spot. I was covering my nose with my hanky, but I couldn't help to sniffle at times because my sinus felt like running water. I am healthy, but my sinus is a monthly thing. I am doing my best to avoid my asthma.

Staring at me sniffle from time to time, Chris went away. I guess he finds it gross too... I can't blame him... Sinusitis is such a bummer... I feel so dang weak, I hate being sick.

Minutes later, Chris came back with a bottle half-filled with water. "Do you have your medicine with you?" I nodded once. "Get it, and you can have my water."

My eyes lit up at his gesture and I rummaged through my things to get my medicine tab filled with various medicinal capsules. I took out the one for my sinus and opened the cap of his water bottle. But, I paused and stared at the mouth of the bottle...

W-Wait... W-Will this b-be an i-indirect k-k-kiss?!?!

I blushed and wiped the mouth of the bottle with my skirt, "Pfft! Clean freak!" tormented Chris.

"Whaaaat? It did come from you, and I don't want to drink your saliva too!"

"Psh! Whatever Jade..."

I giggled and then shot the capsule into my mouth and drank the water for it to travel into my system and waited to get better. "You going to be alright now?"

"Yeah... Thanks for the water, Chris..." I couldn't help but feel happy that Chris actually cared for my well-being. He was so sweet in that one instant, it felt so weird. His good side really gets to me. If he was more like this, then he would've been my ideal boyfriend. I then blushed at the word. No no no no no... Stop it with the wild fantasies Jade... Remember, books before boys!

I then glanced at Chris to see him staring intently at me. It was awkward, so I asked, "Is something the matter Chris?"

He didn't answer me, but he then closed in on me. I could feel my cheeks heat up even more. He wrapped his hands behind my back, embracing me tightly. His eyes, locked on my lips and closed in as he did so. I still didn't want him to kiss me, but he was being too persistent. So, I kept avoiding his lips and kept trying to push him away. His nose would kept nudging on my cheeks and his breath I would feel on my face and on my neck. I didn't like being taken advantage of.

 Did he use the water as a way to mellow me? Is he taking advantage of me being sick right now?

My face was not only blushing because of being sick, but also because of how he's treating me right now. "Face me..." I heard him demanding me. I didn't answer him as his hands started to travel in other directions. I could only wince in fear and discomfort.

I still do my hardest to push him away, but I guess I'm just too weak this time to even try. Suddenly, he stopped. I slowly traveled my eyes to him as he looks at me with a sad expression on his face. He then opens his mouth to ask me, "Are you angry at me?"

I wasn't angry at him right now, but rather frightened and disgusted. But I had to be honest. So I answered a faint, "No."

A smirk then plastered on his lips as he embraces me tightly again. I keep trying my hardest to push him away, but I'm weak when I'm sick, and he's taking advantage of the situation.

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