Chapter 23: Jealous?

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Third period in the morning has just ended and our teacher collected her things and walked out our classroom. I placed my notebook inside my bag and decided to grab a book to read for break time.

"Hey Jade!" Chris said as he sat in front of me, "Whatcha' readin'?"

"Isn't it obvious, Chris? I'm reading a book."

He gave himself a face-palm in defeat and asked me again, "Well... What's it's genre?"

"Mystery." I replied plainly.

"Awe~~... That's boriiiiing~~..." he groaned, then smiled widely as he suggested, "Let's play instead~!"

Isaac then sat next to me to be part of the fun, "So... What's hot?"

"Wha—?" I raised a brow at him. Chris just laughed at me.

Isaac laughed at me too and explained, "I meant: What's happening?"

I composed myself, "Pfft! I knew that!"

"No you didn't!" teased Chris.

I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Stop annoying Jade, Chris!"

We both stared at the direction to who shouted. It was Mae. She stomped near us and pulled Chris away by the ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! We were just talking! Ow!"

"You don't fool me, Chris!"

Me and Isaac just both stared at Chris getting pulled away. Thomas then came and sat in Chris' place, "Why's Mae pulling Chris' ear off?"

Me and Isaac stared at each other and raised and lowered our shoulders as a reply. Thomas didn't mind our answer and grabbed my book from me instead. "Hey! I was going to read that!"

"I wanna borrow it for a minute."


"Jade..." Isaac mumbled.


He gave me a devious smile and started to do squeezing actions with his hand again. Understanding his ways, I covered up my chest with a wider book and slapped his hands away. But because he couldn't do what he wanted, he just pushed the book instead. And the book was still covering my chest!

I made that opportunity to slap the stupidity out of him.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" Chris said as he sat beside me.

"Nothin' much." Thomas replied as he gave me back my book.

"Oh... And Jade! Wait one second!"

"It's not like I'm going anywhere." I say flatly.

He then ran off digging through his bag and grabbing a folded up paper. As he came back, he reached out to give me the paper, "Here... This is for you Jade."

"Thank you?" I said as I took the paper from him. That came out more like a question than a statement. LOL...

I slowly opened the piece of paper and it revealed a drawing of two cute and semi-good-looking anime guys. "Did you draw this? What's it for?"

"Yeah I did! I drew it for you! Now praise me on how good I've been." he leaned in like he wanted me to pat his head. I didn't though, but I only let out a 'Pft' and replied, "Yeah... You've gotten better at drawing."

He then beamed a joyous smile; like when you are about to give a dog a treat. Hahaha... I'm comparing him to a dog.

As I thanked him and placed his drawing in my bag. Isaac then grabbed one of my hands and stared into my eyes with a serious expression. I stitched my brows together as I stare at him back.

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