II: The Hero of Twilight

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Meanwhile, in an age past...

"Hey, Link, come check this out!" Colin called from across the village. He was practicing his sword skills and had another one to show off, not wanting Link to miss it.

"Coming!" Link called back. He said goodbye to the shopkeeper and Link the cat as he turned and ran to meet his little friend. Colin had been improving his sword skills ever since he and the other village children had returned home. Even though he was never one for fighting, ever since his display of courage during the Twilight Invasion, he began to take a liking to the sword. Link had offered to teach him a few things, but for the most part, Colin learned his skills from his father, Rusl.

As Link dashed across the village to meet Colin, Talo and Beth charged right by him in excitement, nearly knocking him down.

"Colin! Hey! Colin!" Talo cheered as he and Beth ran. "You gotta show us that new skill! It's really epic!"

"Yeah, Colin, show us!" Beth chimed in. "You're getting so good, we need to see it!"

Link managed to regain his balance as Talo and Beth reached Colin. He shook his head.

"Hylia..." he huffed. This wasn't the first time it had happened. Talo and Beth have been getting along a lot better with Colin ever since the invasion, and they would always drop whatever they were doing and charge at crazy speeds across the village just to see what new sword technique Colin had mastered. Link was glad they were finally getting along, but he couldn't help but feel frustrated at being almost knocked down every single time. At the very least, they could watch where they were going.

As Link finally caught up to the group, Colin turned to everyone watching. "Ready?"

"Ready!" Talo and Beth cheered in unison. Link simply nodded his head.

Colin readied himself for a moment, then with a loud HYAH, he leapt through the air and sliced the scarecrow he was using as a test dummy in half.

Everyone was amazed. "WHOA! That was so cool!" Talo cried.

"You're amazing, Colin!" Beth praised, clasping her hands together and dancing lightly in her spot.

Link smiled. "Bravo, Colin," he said. "You've improved a lot."

Colin scratched his head bashfully. "Thanks, guys," he said.

Talo turned towards Link. "What technique was that, again?" he asked.

"The jump attack," Link explained. "It's a very strong attack that can easily take any foe by surprise. Really effective against a group of enemies."

"Wow!" Talo said in awe. "That's so cool! I bet Colin will have no trouble against those darn bokos now!"

"I'm not gonna make the same mistake you did, Talo," Colin interjected. "Unlike you, I don't wanna get my face smashed in by those clubs."

"HEY!" Talo shot back, face turning red. "At least I didn't get my face smashed in!"

"You almost did," Beth said, giving him a knowing look.

"Okay, that's enough," Link said over the argument. He looked towards Colin. "Is your mother making dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, she is," Colin answered. "She's making pumpkin soup. My dad says it's the best."

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I have some?!" Talo cried, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yep. She said she's making some for everyone in town. It'll be great!"

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