IX: The Heroes' Plight

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Everything that happened today went against Link's plans.

He had simply planned to grab Flameblades from that Bokoblin camp, yet his stupidity nearly got himself killed and he had to be saved by Walker. He simply planned to head to the Akkala Tech Lab to grab a new Ancient Bow, yet a Yiga Clan ambush led to him almost getting killed again. And then this suspicious Link-look-alike - or wannabe, Link wasn't sure - followed him all the way to Tarrey Town, once again not part of the plan.

Could Link go even one day without something not going as planned?

The look-alike stood there, his hands up in surrender. He said nothing, only staring into Link's eyes. His expression wasn't that of fear, but rather surprise. Did he really not think Link was going to attack him after what happened? Sure, he might've saved the boy's life, but following someone who wanted to be left alone still wasn't the smartest idea. At least that's what Link thought.

"Who," Link spat, "Are you?"

The man swallowed, his throat just inches away from the sword. "Listen, kid-"


"Sorry, Link. You don't want to do this."

"I could say the same for you. You followed me all the way here. What do you want from me?"

"Look, if I tell you who I am, will you put your sword down and let me explain to you what's going on?"

Link thought about it for a moment. He still didn't trust this man - who's to say he wasn't a Yiga in disguise, trying to get Link to let his guard down so he could assassinate him? Though to be fair, why would a Yiga in disguise attack their own colleagues? He could be something else entirely. Perhaps something even worse than the Yiga Clan. Link wasn't sure what to expect, and that's what bothered him; not knowing who this man was or his true intentions had him more on edge than ever. Not even the seemingly non-existent Ganon fight he remembered clear as day could match up to this.

Link remained standing, his sword still held up towards the man's neck.

"Explain yourself," he demanded. "Right now."

"Okay," the man said. Link could see sweat dripping down his face. "I'll explain everything."

And so he did. He told Link everything he needed to know: who the man was, his home world, how he got here, the Goddess' plea, everything. He even told Link about his own adventures in his home world, the fight against Ganondorf, the trials and tribulations he had to go through to save his friends. Even though most of it wouldn't have really mattered to Link, he didn't leave out any part of it. His transparency left Link in shock. All he could do was just listen as this man told him every last detail about his life.

That being said, the Hero still left a lot of things out: his wolf form, Midna, the Twili, the Shadow Beasts, his own use of controversial shadow magic, and a number of other things. As transparent as he was, he also kept a lot of secrets. He felt it was best that the boy didn't know about it.

By the end of it all, the Hero's throat had become hoarse. He could barely speak another word without coughing. Link suddenly felt bad; all he wanted was for this man to explain himself. He didn't mean for him to talk his throat out, losing his voice just explaining his life story.

"Okay," the man said, clearing his throat. He coughed once more. "I think that's everything."

"I hope so," Link said, sitting down next to him. "I know I wanted you to explain yourself, but you didn't have to go that far. I just wanted to know who you are and why you're here."

"I know. But... I thought- cough -maybe it'd be easier- cough -for you to understand if I- cough -told you more..."

Link put his hand on the Hero's shoulder. "Please don't push yourself any further. You've done enough." He let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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