VI: Flowers for a Hero

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"HYAAAAA! HAH!" the voice shouted, accompanied by a sword slashing through the moblin's body. Link tried to see who it was, but the intense pain had him doubling over, unable to stand. He continued to hear the voice calling out, and as he looked up, the silver bokoblin's severed head rolled into view, followed by a sword slamming into the ground.

Just then, a hand reached out towards him. He recognized that hand.

"You alright, mate?" Walker asked.

He looked a little worse for wear. His clothes were soaked in blood, as was his sword. His face had a few cuts on it. Otherwise, he appeared unharmed.

Link reached up and grasped his hand, hissing from the pain that ensued as Walker helped him stand up.

"You got pretty beat up there, didn't ya?" Walker observed. He pulled out something from his pouch and handed it to Link. "Hearty Elixir. Drink up."

Link took the elixir with a pained "Thanks" and downed it quickly. Like magic, the pain dissipated, and his wounds healed. He also felt more energized now. He sighed in contentment.

"Thanks, I needed this," he said, handing Walker the empty bottle.

Walker waved it off. "Keep the bottle, mate. Never know when you might need it." Link shrugged and pocketed the bottle as Walker continued. "So what happened back there? You said you were gonna take care of those monsters, yet you got yourself all beat down."

Link shrugged again. "I just wasn't being careful, I guess. It won't happen again, though."

"Sure hope not. You were in pretty bad shape just now, mate."

"Yeah, I know..."

"Oi, there!" another voice called. It was Dewey, seemingly out of breath as he ran to catch up with them. "You guys alright?"

"We're fine now," Walker told him. "No thanks to you, slowpoke."

"Ey now, I was the one who said we should follow! Besides, it's not my fault you run so fast-"

"Wait," Link interjected. He stepped back in shock. "You guys... followed me?!"

Dewey shrugged. "I was worried about you, mate. These monsters are no laughing matter. Not that you can't handle yourself or anything-"

"I can handle myself just fine!" Link snapped.

"Whoa there, mate," Walker piped up. He held his hands up like he was surrendering. "He wasn't worried for no reason. You almost got yourself killed."

Link opened his mouth to argue, then snapped it shut. Walker was right; he almost died just now. If it weren't for these two, he would've been done for. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he sure needed the help. He sighed, shoulders drooping in defeat.

"You're right," he said quietly. "I'm sorry. I just... I thought I could do this alone..."

"Ey, it's alright, mate," Walker said, putting a hand on Link's shoulder. "Everyone needs help now and then. Honestly, if it wasn't for Dewey, I wouldn'ta come here. So I guess he did kinda help."

"Kinda?" Dewey asked, clearly dumbfounded.

"It's okay," Link said. "You both helped. In fact, you both kinda saved my life." He smiled warmly. "So thank you."

"Not a problem," Walker said, patting him on the back.

"It's the least we could do," Dewey said, coming closer. "At least you got some decent Flameblades, right?"

Link chuckled. "Yeah, that's right."

The two men stepped back a bit. "So, what're ya gonna do now?" Walker asked. "You got your Flameblades, so what next?"

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