IV: The Road to Destiny

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Link didn't sleep well at all that night.

Throughout the evening while having dinner at Rusl and Uli's place, Link couldn't stop thinking about the things that plagued him earlier. His lack of purpose, his longing for adventure, how much he missed Midna... Even when everyone else was having fun conversing with each other over bowls of soup, Link couldn't keep those thoughts away. They continued to plague him throughout the night, even when he got back home and tried to sleep. His thoughts kept him awake all night, leaving him exhausted when morning came.

Link climbed out of bed slowly, stretching himself and yawning. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to herd goats that day, but he still felt like today was going to be a long day. He just hoped there was something he needed to do to keep him occupied so he wouldn't have to keep thinking his sorry thoughts. He stood up, climbed down the ladder from the loft, and walked over towards his wardrobe, pulling it open. He'd been wearing the same clothes he always wore in Ordon for days. He didn't like wearing his Hero's outfit; it was just another reminder that he no longer had a purpose. But as much as he didn't want to wear it, wearing the same clothes day after day was getting old. It'd be nice to have a bit of a change for once. So he reluctantly reached in and pulled out his green tunic and off-white pants, and slowly put them on. He grabbed his boots, brushed the dust off of them, and pulled them on too. Lastly, he pulled out his green cap, brushed it off, and put it on his head.

Link turned towards the mirror, looking himself over. It was surprisingly bittersweet seeing himself wearing these old clothes again. He remembered how shocked he was seeing himself in this garb for the first time, having been turned back into a human after being a wolf for some time. It felt surreal to be wearing such a heroic outfit - one that his predecessor had once worn before him. Now that time had passed and the world was at peace once more, wearing the Hero's outfit felt... different. Like he was ready for a new destiny, ready to find a new adventure. It gave Link a sense of melancholy, since he'd been waiting for months now and no sign of such adventure had come to him. But...

Maybe this is a sign, he thought. Maybe someday, soon, I'll finally get what I've been wishing for.

It was wishful thinking at this point, but Link had to give himself some hope. He didn't know how he'd keep going otherwise.

Just then, the door opened.

"Oi, Link," a voice spoke. Link could recognize that voice from anywhere. He sighed.

"What is it, Fado?" he said, not turning to face him but staring at the floor instead.

"Ilia told me you wouldn't be able to herd the goats today, so I just came by to wish you well," Fado told him. "Um... you doing alright, mate? You look a little down."

Link sighed again. There was no point in lying. "I just wish there was a bigger purpose for me. I've just been here for months doing the same thing again and again... it feels like I'm being weighed down."

"I get it," Fado said, stepping inside. Link turned to face him now, noticing the sad look on the man's face. "We've all been doing the same old thing for a while now. You're not the only one who wants a change of pace. The good news is, I'll be able to deliver some goat cheese to Castle Town soon, so at least I'll have something better to do... Sorry, that doesn't make you feel better, does it?" Fado scratched his head in embarrassment.

Link shook his head. "No, it's okay, Fado. I'm glad you're able to get an oppurtunity like that." He stepped forward, putting a hand on Fado's shoulder. "Just try not to get cheese all over the road, yea?"

The two laughed, brightening the atmosphere. Fado smiled, patting Link on the back.

"I won't, I promise. You take care of yourself, yea?"

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