VIII: Chasing a Hero

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Link sat up, coughing and gagging, trying to catch his breath. He watched in absolute disbelief as the man in green attacked the Yiga Clansmen, blood splattering all over as he slashed and stabbed them with ease. His attack patterns were unlike anything Link had ever seen, a clear sign the man had plenty of battle experience. The Yiga Clansmen were just as surprised; they barely had any time to ready themselves when they were suddenly jumped at, slashed at, etc. Realizing this was a useless fight, they finally surrendered, dropping their weapons and raising their hands up. The Footsoldiers seemed to be shuddering in fear - not an uncommon sight for the Yiga, but frankly Link couldn't blame them this time.

Their adversary stood over Link, sword still raised, intimidation written in his posture. His back was turned, leaving Link unable to see his face. The seconds dragged on as a deathly silence fell over them, tensions high as the clouds above; Link could feel his heart hammering in his chest from the suspense.

After what seemed like an eternity, the Yiga Clansmen finally turned and fled, disappearing in flashes of red. The man in green hummed in satisfaction, swinging his sword around in a flashy manner before sheathing it. He turned to face Link, who was still stunned from the attack. He reached his hand out to him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

Link sat there for a moment, studying the man's features. He couldn't help but notice that this man looked a lot like him - blond hair similar to his, with bangs parted to the left and sideburns framing each side of his face; deep blue eyes like those of an animal; pale skin like he'd never seen the light of day before.

If Link didn't know any better, he would've thought he was looking in a mirror.

He reached up and took the man's hand, shakily standing up and sheathing his sword. He nodded.

The man smiled. "Good, I'm glad. Now, I understand you're confused and probably frightened, but please let me explain-"

No sooner had those words left his mouth before Link turned on his heels and took off sprinting down the road.

"Wait!" the man cried, running after him. "Come back!"

Link didn't say anything. He didn't look back, he didn't stop. He ran and ran and ran, as fast as he could. Hearing the man's footsteps behind him, he whistled for Floria, hoping she was close enough nearby. A whinny rang out, signifying she heard him and was heading his way. Any other day he'd be relieved. She'd taken off during the ambush and he was worried she might've gotten hurt. But he had no time to think about that. He wanted to get as far away from the strange man as possible. He mounted Floria and ushered her into a gallop, leaving the green man in the dust.

Link couldn't believe it. After all that time spent searching for the Hero, after going through all that trouble to save the Hero's life... he just took off running. Didn't even say anything, just did a complete 180 and ran. Link tried to keep up with him, but he was surprisingly fast. And of course, once he mounted his horse, he was long gone. 

"Come back!" Link called again, unable to run any further. "Link!"

It was no use. The Hero had long since disappeared down the road, far out of earshot. Link stood there bent over, trying to catch his breath, still winded from the attack and the sudden chase afterwards.

He wondered if he made a mistake.

Sure, the boy looked a lot like him - golden hair with bangs parted to the right, two long sideburns framing each side of his face; eyes so blue it was like looking into the ocean itself; fair skin that signified he'd been outdoors a lot - in other words, everything that had led people to believe he and the boy were one and the same. He was also dressed similarly to Link, his bright blue tunic very similar to Link's green one. But considering he had to save the boy from such easy opponents, and the boy suddenly fled afterwards... it didn't seem very heroic.

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