Chapter Five - The Rookie

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**Chapter Warnings**

NSFW!! Smut!! Just expect SMUT in every chapter pretty much in this story.... :D


We're continuing where we left off, literally. Daddy Flip is still here. I kinda like him, so he's staying. Hehe ;D

I can't wait to read any comments you leave, I will respond to them all! I appreciate your votes too 

Vibe: Be My Baby by The Ronettes




You winced as Flip suddenly pulled out, leaving you feeling so empty.

The two of you took a second and stared into each other's eyes. Panic sparked throughout your brain.

Flip then stepped back, grasped his cock, and quickly moved to the window to glance out.

You watched as his eyes darted from left to right. He didn't say anything, which made you further panicked. Had you guys missed something important? All that noise, so late at night, seemed a little out of sorts.

"Flip?" you said, sitting up. Why wasn't he saying anything? A second later...

"You're a distraction from my work, princess."

Princess? Why was he still acting as if nothing happened? Perhaps because nothing happened...But you had to make sure.

"What was all that, did you see anything?"

"Just a bunch of kids, come look."

Flip jerked his head, beckoning you over. You stood up, awkwardly. You were still stark naked and rather wet and aching in places left sadly unsatisfied.

Despite the seriousness, Flip's eyes danced over your naked body as you neared, he even fisted his cock a few times. It made your mouth water.

Although you were comfortable and confident in your birthday suit around Flip, you weren't when it came to an open window, especially an open window that overlooked the house you were currently supposed to be staking out!

Flip caught on and shrugged his red and black flannel off then helped you into it. It made you feel a hundred times better as you stepped up to the window to peer out.

Across the street were four cars with an assortment of teenagers getting out and causing a ruckus on the front lawn, next to the house you were staking out. You watched them pass a football back and forth until they all stepped inside.

"It's the high school football team," you said with a sigh of relief.

Next to you, Flip grunted in acknowledgment. Clearly, his mind was someplace else as he then slipped behind you, lifting the flannel from your ass and kneading your flesh with his large hand.

"Flip, we..." you breathed as his fingers slipped between the back of your thighs, easily finding and possessing your clit.

"We are going to continue to keep watch, baby." He kissed the crown of your head, a sign that he's got you and you could say no. When you nodded your consent, he bent you over, forcing you to brace yourself by setting your hands on the windowsill.

Flip took hold of your hip, placing his other hand over your shoulder. Thankfully, he wasn't finished with you yet.

The next second, you both cried out in pleasure as Flip filled you up in one swift thrust. He didn't hesitate to set a punishing pace, so fierce and hungry you were both filling the room with sounds of unnatural creation.

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