Chapter Ten - Wet Hair And Wet Floors

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**Chapter Warnings**

VNSFW!!! Multi Os.

Asshole sexist men.

Wow can't believe we're already at chapter ten! <3

Vibe: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in his kiss) by Betty Everett



While sitting silently in the passenger seat as Flip drove home, you kept replaying what had happened.

Immediately after Landers had finished his sentence, Flip suddenly reared back, and before Landers could react, Flip punched him square in the jaw, causing Landers to stumble back. And in a split second, Landers was lunging forward, tackling Flip to the ground. He got one good punch in before Flip easily spun the two of them, pinning Landers beneath him. By that time, both you and Ron were pulling a rather enraged Flip off of Landers, you knew that if you allowed Flip to go on any longer, he'd do irreversible damage to Landers that could cost him his job, or more!

As you stepped into your house, Flip followed after you. The silence was painful, only bringing you more anxiety.

You peeked over at Flip who was emptying his pockets and removing his shoulder holster, still holding a napkin to his cut lip.

"Can I get you some ice?"

"I'm fine."

"Some pain reliever?" you asked. You wanted to be helpful, and you felt responsible for what had happened.

Flip sighed and looked over at you, pinning you beneath his gaze. He was still angry, you could see it in the way he held his lips tight and brow creased.

"What I want you to do is tell me what the fuck all that was!" Flip's voice was raised slightly as he pointed in the general direction of the station.

"I was going to tell you..."

"You were? When? Before or after he fucked you?" His words cut you deep as he stood there with his hands on his hips, glaring at you.

"Flip! You have it all wrong!" Your voice cracked and you took a step forward in his direction, faltering when you realized Flip was angrier than you thought.

"Oh, please enlighten me! What do I have wrong? Because I'm pretty sure I heard everything clearly....He called you a slut, then tried to blackmail you into sleeping with him!" His voice continued to raise so loud, you felt it rattle your chest. You took a deep calming breath.

"I swear I was going to tell you! I was just waiting for it to blow over."

"Blow over? You were waiting for this to blow over?" Flip ran his hand through his hair, exasperated.

"Yes," you admitted weakly, tears starting to form as you remembered all the pain from the last few days.

"What were you thinking? You should have come to me immediately."

"I don't know! I didn't want to worry you. I didn't know what to do, I could have lost my job, your job, and I couldn't, not while we were still on the case. So I was just trying to wait him out."

From the short distance away, you could see Flip's eye twitch as he looked at you. He was so angry, it made you tremble.

"Did he hurt you?" Flip asked quietly.

You hesitated, thrown off by his question.


Flip took a step closer, inspecting your face.

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