Chapter Eight - My Girl

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**Chapter Warnings**

Drinking. NSFW.

I really can not wait to read any comments you leave, I will respond to them all! I appreciate your votes too <3

Vibe: My Girl by The Temptations



While waiting for Flip and Ron to finish inside the station you reflected on the last few days. They were long and beyond stress-inducing.

Flip, or rather Ron Stallworth, had been fully accepted into the "organization", and had a card to prove it now.

Just tonight you guys were able to prevent a cross-burning from happening. While it was a success, Flip was pretty rattled by the fact that Ivanhoe basically disclosed they had C-4 by asking if he knew anything about it. It rattled everyone, truthfully. And it made you specifically fearful for the participants of the protests coming up. It lit a fire beneath your ass to get to the bottom of all this. Every day you questioned why in the hell you didn't just gather them all up, charge them on what you already had, and throw away the key.

You sighed, wondering how in the hell all of this would come to an end. When would you have enough evidence, enough proof of these peoples evil acts? You didn't want it to come too late. You couldn't live with yourself if something bad happening was what it took to get the evidence. No one should get hurt. That fear crippled you everyday.

You jumped, startled, as the passenger and back door to your car opened. Both Flip and Ron slid in.

"Hey. How'd it go?" You looked at Flip. He and Ron had been inside debriefing the Chief and Sergeant about tonight. You should have been in there too but the Chief only asked for Flip and Ron. So you stayed behind. It pissed you off but you were too tired and frankly still rattled from the night events. So a breather in the car was probably for the best.

"Good." Ron answered for Flip from the back.

You continued to glance over at Flip who was settling in and leaning against the passenger door. Your heart swelled at the sight of him, safe and in your car. What the fuck was with you? Why were you so protective of him? Then it dawned on you just like it did every other time you briefly thought about it. You loved him.

"Sorry you weren't in there with us," Flip said, catching your eye, reaching across and squeezing your hand. You melted from his warm and rather comforting touch.

"It's okay I needed a breather anyway," you said, hiding the fact that it did still tick you off that you were left out. It made you feel less important.

"So, what happened?"

"He...said we should take the night off."

"What?" You giggled and eyed Flip who was smirking at you. You then looked back at Ron who just rolled his eyes.

"It's ten o'clock. That's really not a night off."

"Well, I say it is." Flip smiled, then out of nowhere gave your nose a little boop. Then he turned the dial on the radio until music vibrated in the speakers.

His directions led you to the local bar. He said we'd just stop in to grab ourselves a drink and then we'd head home. You agreed mostly because the prospect of actually going out with Flip and doing something "fun" was too appealing to turn down. Plus, you did feel you needed a normal moment. Even if it was just one drink for an hour at a dingy bar. And it took your mind off the chief's dismissal of you. Maybe that's why Flip brought you here. To cheer you up.

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