Chapter Seven - Do You Like That?

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**Chapter Warnings**

Very NSFW!! SMUT!! GUNPLAY. Flip is not putting you in danger, only used as a prop/toy. If you find that to be triggering I am asking, please, do not read. The last thing I want to do is trigger you. If you want me to give you a summary of what happens in this chapter you can always DM me!

Also, do not attempt. Actions are dangerous and definitely not safe. Please remember this is a piece of fictional writing.

I really can not wait to read any comments you leave, I will respond to them all! I appreciate your votes too <3

Vibe: In the Midnight Hour by Wilson Pickett



Your eyes danced over Flip's broad shoulders as you peeked over the rim of your coffee cup from your desk. They trailed his dark hairline, his collar, and his leather shoulder holster, then finally your eyes fixated on his silver gun that was snuggly tucked away in its holster.

"Here." Flip handed you some papers from across the desk. You took them and began to look them over. But soon enough, your eyes began to drift back up to the sleek silver surface of that gun. It was so cold and solid. The weight of it was magnificent, riveting even.

"Do you like that?" Flip asked huskily as he took his gun and...

"Hello, over there! I asked if you like that report. Do you think it's good enough to turn into the Chief?" Flip asked, interrupting your reverie.

"What, oh yeah." You quickly glanced over the paper he handed you and then gave it back to him but again your eyes trailed over to his gun.

Flip cleared his throat, catching your attention again. He looked around then back at you, his eyes casting down your body until he intentionally glanced at the apex of your thighs. He then asked in a hushed tone, "Are you good?"

You blinked at him, swallowing and mentally checking yourself over. Truthfully, you were sore from the experience but otherwise proud of yourself and thrilled over the idea of participating in such a taboo act. But if anyone was going to be testing your limits, it would always be Flip.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Tired, ya know, the usual." You winked at him, which awarded you a dazzling smile. He silently nodded, accepting your honesty then walked away in the direction of the chief's office.

Your eyes, of course, never left that dangerous weapon of his.

As you sat there sipping on your morning coffee, your mind drifted to the night before.

You and Flip had a surprisingly early evening together, which should have been great but instead it forced you to do some housekeeping.

Since getting put on the case and Flip declaring you as his girlfriend, the two of you have just been sleeping at one another's place like some married couple. You didn't hate it, but it was starting to feel as if you were still friends with benefits plus the benefit of sleepovers. But you weren't going to complain, especially not tonight, when you finally had a good amount of time with him. Even if it meant the two of you were just going to end up having sex anyway. And conveniently, Flip always found a way to make things fun, even while doing something as routine and mundane as cleaning your guns.

You both sat in his living room, working at his coffee table. You cozied up between Flip's knees on the ground in front of the table while Flip sat behind you on the couch.

You both were disassembling and cleaning then reassembling your weapons. You finished first so you leaned back, resting your head on the inside of his thigh and watched Flip work. It was such a comfortable act to do. Like you fit and it was meant to be your place. That same thrill of being Flip's girl rushed through you. Even though the work was hard and allowed you little to no time to actually experience being his, you appreciated the little things. Like now. Just sitting here. Listening to him work. Watching his eyes diligently inspect his weapon.

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