Chapter Six - Thank Me

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**Chapter Warnings/An**

As a heads up from here on out, I'll touch on various events from the film that will guide us along in the timeline. And as a reminder, at the end of the day, I've written this short story as an excuse to get all the filthy smut involving Flip OUT of my head! LOL

This chapter does contain Racists and Sexists. Mention of murder. ACAB!

VERY NSFW!! We go 0-100 spicy level, real quick! Like, put your seatbelt on. Flip Dom & reader sub. VERY rough sex. If you are not okay with rough sex or it makes you uncomfortable or is triggering. Do not read. This rough sex includes bratting, binding, slapping, choking, hair tugging, spanking, ass eating, and degradation. Pain kink! After care.

If you do read, you have been warned. Hehe!

Omg I really can not wait to read any comments you leave, I will respond to them all! I appreciate your votes too 

Vibe: Fever by Peggy Lee



"Flip, don't go getting shot today."

"Don't fret over me. You know I'm a good shot."

His hands found their way to rest on either side of your hips. He was smirking down at you as you taped the cord to his hidden mic down his chest.

Today Flip was going shooting with these men and you didn't like it one bit. You couldn't help but worry.

"I know." You remained silent and focused on the task at hand. He was right, it was useless to fret. But the thought of his cover being possibly blown while out in the middle of the woods surrounded by a bunch of bloodthirsty lunatics with guns made you want to vomit.

"Hey, look at me." Flip squeezed your sides, and when you didn't look up at him, he pinched your chin between his fingers and forced you to meet his gaze.

"Everything will be fine. You'll be listening to every word and know the second I'm in trouble if I'm in trouble." He tapped his mic. "Ron will be with you listening as well, and if anything happens, you call for backup and help get me out of there."

You snorted and stared up into his big brown eyes. "As simple as that?"

He chuckled. "As simple as that."

With his fingers still pinching your chin, he gently pulled you forward and fused his lips to yours. He kissed you long and hard.

The truth was, you've had next to no alone time with Flip, let alone time off with your supposed "boyfriend" since getting assigned to this case. He just declared you as his, then went on his merry way, no explanation or discussion as to why he had a change of heart. After that, it had been days of long hours, no sleep, trading shifts to keep watch, and Ron Stallworth's never-ending presence.

But Flip wasn't entirely neglecting you, he did treat you differently, not like before, when there were benefits to your friendship. Now, he called you pet names like "baby" or "princess" as if it was natural and something he'd always done, you didn't mind. He was also more attentive. He'd get the door and bring you coffee or food. He even left a small moon cactus on your desk with a note that said "This reminded me of you." It made you laugh, and now every time you looked at it, it made you smile and wonder why it reminded Flip of you. When you eventually got off work, you've started to crash at one another's places, even if that meant keeping each other company while you both just slept from pure exhaustion.

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