Chapter Eleven - Marked As Mine

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**Chapter Warnings**

Very NSFW!!!
Hunter/Prey Vibes, ownership kink, breeding kink, marked, pain kink, impact. Very rough sex! A tiny bit of blood play. :D
Please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable.

Also, this chapter does contain gruesome depictions of violence and death.

Thank you as always for leaving your comments and votes!

Vibe: Enchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers



You sat at your desk, seething, biting at the end of your pen until the plastic gave and your tongue could feel every groove your teeth left behind.

You had to bite your tongue when the Chief decided to take you off the case.

It took everything in you to not break down crying and instead walk out of his office and find the Sergeant for your next assignment. Which was simple mindless work you could do at your desk. Which only worsened your mood, since it only gave you time to sit and think about everything that had happened.

In addition, you got to sit there watching while Jimmy got filled in by Flip and Ron on what he had missed on the case.

The truth was you were jealous of Jimmy, and most of all, angry that Landers got what he wanted. He won because here you sat, feeling worthless.

Flip had made eye contact a few times from across the room. He looked concerned for you but would focus his attention back on the task at hand.

With each secret glance, you pretended you weren't hurt. But you were angry with Flip. He promised he'd have your back. How in the hell were you supposed to go crawling back to the Chief now and report Landers?

This was all so messed up. You should be the one reporting Landers, you should be the one standing next to Flip right now.

As you sat and mindlessly worked at your desk, you couldn't help but allow your head drift to the case, you knew what the game plan was for today. You knew David Duke would be in town for a chapter meeting and Ron was to be his security. While "Ron" would show up and be officially "sworn in". It was all revolting but if all your suspicions were correct, something big might happen today, but at least by being there, Flip would be able to be the first to know, that way he'd be able to arrest some people finally.

When you saw Flip and Ron go to leave, you cornered Flip in the break room.

He gave you a shy look and whispered, "I'm sorry."

You didn't really say anything, just pursed your lips. Truthfully, the last thing you wanted to be was angry with Flip. Besides, he apologized. And today just might be the big day, you didn't need to guilt trip him.

"It's fine. Just promise me you'll be safe today. Please." You looked up at him, even reaching out to grasp his forearm. You genuinely were concerned, who knew what the outcome could be today. But if your instincts were correct, today was it.

Flip stepped closer, placing his hand on your cheek then leaning down to kiss your forehead, savoring you for just a moment longer.

"I promise, baby girl," he breathed, then dipped down and gave you a quick peck, first on your cheek, then lips.

Your chest fluttered as the L word bubbled up trying to escape your mouth, but you suppressed it. Because it would be just your luck that the Cheif would walk in as you uttered the words.

Giving you one last glance, he stepped out before anyone could find the two of you in each other's arms.


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