Epilogue & Thank You

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Vibe: My Cherie Amour by Stevie Wonder

Please enjoy!


Four months later, you were packing up your house. Most boxes to the Salvation Army and the others on the truck heading to Flips.

As you stood in your kitchen, wrapping glassware in newspaper, you reflected back on the last few months. The case, Flip declaring his love, Flip insisting you move in.

Also, the fact that you led the arrest of Landers. You'd never forget how good that justice felt or the look on his face. Everyone was in on it. Ron and Patrice helped, while Flip and Jimmy got it all on tape admitting to his crimes, while you, the Sergeant, and the Chief closed in and made the arrest.

Quite a bit had actually changed, like you resigned, to start. As much as you thought you wanted the job at the station, you came to realize you could help in other ways. You now were a successful self-defense instructor for women and children, teaching at various community centers, health clinics, and the teachers and students of schools, including high schools and colleges. People have even started to hire you to teach self-defense classes in their workplace. It brought you so much joy and a real sense of purpose.

Flip respected your decision and even encouraged it. Just the other day, you both visited a storefront that was for sale to see if it was possible to open up your own studio, but that was down the road.

Flip still worked at the station and might be looking at a promotion in a few months, which you were so proud of him for.

Ron was turning out to be a successful detective and had become a real asset to the station, the Chief's go-to man.

Life was good.

Finishing up your last box, you glanced around the kitchen one last time and spotted the cactus Flip got you months ago. That was definitely coming with!

Now that you were done in the kitchen, you made your way back into your bedroom. Everything was packed other than your closet, which Flip was handling, nearly everything already in boxes.

He turned to find you watching him.

"Don't worry, I packed your favorite red flannel." He winked, making you laugh. "No, but I, uh, packed winter things with winter things, summer with summer," he explained, brushing his hand through his hair.

"Perfect." You smiled, looking into the closet. Everything other than one dress that was hanging up was already packed away.

Flip caught your eyes, "I picked it out."

"For what?" You looked at him, confused, dragging your fingers over the red fabric.

"It's a surprise. I'll get the rest of these boxes over to my place. Just be ready by five. Okay?" Flip grasped your waist, pulling you close and kissing your forehead and then lips. And without saying another word, he grabbed the last few boxes, packed them in his truck, and took off. 

It was 2 pm. You had a bit more time to finish some more packing but based on his excitement and the dress he picked out for you, you thought it was best to maybe spend some more time pampering yourself for whatever this surprise was. 

At 5 pm, you were standing on your doorstep waiting for Flip. Hair blown out, makeup done. You felt hot. But what mattered most was the look on Flip's face as he pulled up.

As he sauntered up the stairs to meet you, flashing you a shy grin, he presented a bouquet of roses and took your hand, kissing each knuckle.

"You look lovely, princess."

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