Chapter 7: Questions left unanswered.

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My god, great author/note Liz. I am clapping. (Sacarsm)

Y/n's POV:

"Let's start with a question I can't answer,"

"Go on. Take your time I will wait."

The deity reassures you as both of you follow behind Nightmare's tracks. The cold wind passes through you, thankfully because the deity told you you're now a lost soul wandering around until everything ends to a reset once again, the deity says.

"Who or what transported me as Dream?"

"A certain creator. They're kinda unknown to be honest, but they saved you from that hellhole am I right?"

"I-I guess? What's their name?"

"Unfortunately, none of us deities even the higher-ups don't know the unknown Creators name."


She yells.

"It's also confirmed they once lived in the Creator Realm. The original realm out of anything."

"Tell me more about this creator realm."

"The Creator Realm where magics, monsters and mythical creatures don't exist, only to be drawn by a piece of paper. Just like in every AU's of the surface, busy with people and pollutions, modernized as well. Viruses have been spreading around the Creator Realm."


"The COVID-19, the monkeypox etc."


An odd eerie of buzzing can be overheard. Nightmare picked up on his instincts as he hid in the shadows, using his gooey puddles for support. The deity Destiny walks through in a fit of rage as a beaten up person follows the deity.

"..god, it's the deity of the creation."


"Creation is stronger than Destiny so why is HE following her?"

The deity mutters to herself while I look at the deity Destiny walking away as the loud eeries faded away in a flash. The footsteps now fading slowly as Nightmare sighed in relief and caresses my cheeks lovingly.

"Ship it."


I pouted at the chuckling deity, arms crossed. She only chuckles and continues to tease me, I noticed my lower body glowing a neon-white colour. The deity also noticed what I was looking at..

"It's about time you woke up."


"You're waking up."


"Will I see you?"

"Possibly if you pass out once more."

"Oh, see you then.."

"Yeah, it's been fun."

I feel lightheaded again, the deity slowly blurring away from my eyes. I jolted from my position, awaking a sleeping Nightmare out of his slumber. He groans but is happy to see me awake and alive.

"It's about time you woke up, sleeping beauty."

He teases. I just only crossed my arms and moved closer to his presence where I feel safe around here, he only chuckles.

I nuzzle on his chest and curl up around like a ball, it's my habit if I'm gonna go to sleep once again.

"Darling, you already took a rest."

He says making you groan in annoyance. It's such a pain. .

"I wanna rest when this is all over.."

You mumble.


I'm loosing motivation rapidly right now. I'ma just take inspirations in the BATIM lore, ya heard me right. BATIM!

Peace out, Liz.

515 words.

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