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In this universe tord proposed to tom and tom said yes they're engaged but they haven't like married yet edd and matt didn't knew this and paul and pat didn't either.Tord already told about his army to tom and he accepted it but he needs to be careful and then a few days later tord was gone and was on the way to his armies base.

Tom wore the ring that tord gave him and now he was at home but it was quite he looked at edd and matt's room until tord he went inside it and he got stabbed in the back leaving him to die..tom's eyes fell into the void and when he opened it he saw a girl waiting for him he walked infront of the girl "hello Thomas Larkins"the girl said tom was shocked that she knew his name and he asked where he was and she said he was in her place this place was covered in pink,blue and purple clouds and some beautiful skies and she said that she was the goddess of raincarnation or raincarnated.Tom was given a second life as a cat and then he was gone and off to a new life.

[at norway and tom's pov]

I am now a cat a black one i looked around saw building like broken ones i jumped over it and saw many more buildings destroyed I decided to roam around.And kater i found anred base i went there and climbed up the wall and i grabbed into a glass thing i sat there and look at the person.

I was shocked to see my husband there doing paper work i tap on the window but he didn't do anything I tapped until i got his attention and like a few minutes later he got up and look at the window finally.

[the idiot's pov]

Ok im getting annoyed at who is tapping on my window i got up and looked at my window and i sat a cat?? Weird..i went to the window and opened it and the cat got in and he jumped at my soldier and started to rub himself to me i liked the feeling but not that much thooooooo.Ok i miss my love but i don't have to worry ill be there in a month i'll be a able to see him again!.

[yea a few weeks later and this person pov]

Tom has been working as a cat like if tord need or called a soldier tom would be there to get them and he would be in the dark if he like does that and tord liked the accompany.

[tord's pov]

Today is the day im gonna see my love again!i was already infront of the house i rang the door bell and saw edd opened it but he didn't look like when i left he had eye bags and some other things same with matt.I walked in and sat down on the couch i put my bag down and suprisingly cat jumped out and went to sat on my lap strange but ok?"so tord you're back?"edd asked me "yea im back and could you tell where tom is?"i asked edd but he looked down"well when you were gone me and matt were out to buy something leaving tom behind and when we got back we saw his body in you're room dead cold.."edd started tearing up as i looked shocked and sad i lost my husband my whole world and now i wanted to take revenge on who did it.And later i asked if i could stay and if there was any evidence of him getting killed..and matt said that they left a knife behind and it was taken to the police station.

Yea part 2 in the next few days.

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