Tapes from the past [idk]

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[ell's pov]

I walked to my room finding ringo and when i looked down at my bed i saw boxes full of stuff so me being curious i get one of the boxes.It was labeled nothing so I decided to open it.And it was full of tapes labeled **-**-2000.I carried the box down stairs.

"Tori!matilda!look what i found!"the two of them went down and sat beside me."So what's in the box ell?"(do you get the line?)"well it's full of tapes in the past!""ohh"matilda said and i put one tape and then it showed it to the tv.

[tape - **-**-2003][third person pov]

And to the tapes like what they said in the tapes will have these () and when they don't have that on well they're talking in the present ok.

("Tori say hi to the camera!"ell said"hello!and i will be the new ruler of the whole world!"tori said and ell went to matilda and tamara"guys say hi!""hello?"tamara said "hello!"matilda said "ok good bye! Guys say bye!"ell said while the three were in the back "bye"they all said and then the tape was done.)

Ell,matilda and tori were sad..tamara was in the tape..well you see tamara has been gone for 1-2 years now she was kidnapped..all the three of them gave up finding her about 2 months later..then ell started a new tape again.

[tape - ** - ** - 2011]

      ("Wow im suprised that wven survived"tamara said and ell just pouted and then the rest made a vid then it stopped)

          And the three of them watched all the tapes until there was non-left and when ell went to put all the tapes back she saw one that had no labeled.So she put it in the thing and then it started playing.

[                                         ]

        ("Hello! Im sorry ell but i have to do this..if you're watching this help! I feel like someone is watching my every movement eveyday it started at when you bought the house well ell did..i know i may sound crazy but i know im not so please help me! And i heard him say megan and evan if you see this please help me!")

          And then the tape ends..tori got up and checked tamara's bedroom and ell was crying while matilda was calming her.

[tori's pov]

I knew something was up to my two soldiers..does god damn son of a bitch?!..ok tori calmed down i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number.


"Paula tie megan and evan and put them in my office im packing my stuffs were heading there and tie it good ok"

"Yes ma'am"

And the call ends...pay back bitches!i went back downstairs."Hey ell could i tell you guys something?""so what is it tori?"ell asked and i explained all of it...well atleast they understand me.And now we all are packing our stuff.I just brought my hentai,phone,laptop,chargers and other things and ell brought cola,pet food for ringo,clothes and other more things and matilda brought one mirror and a pocket mirror,clothes and more more things.

And then later we got a cab and we left to norway.I smiled and thinked how i will torture the two.

[hours later because im lazy]

Me and the girls are in the base we were in my office "so tori whose these?"ell asked"well they were the one that took tamara ell and my soldiers all ready asked them but they say that they got ambushed in they place"i look at ell and she had red in his eyes and then she punched the both of them.I was suprised i never seen this ell.

[with [ ] ]

I woke up and cleaned my bed and got to the shower and after that nice shower i wore a blue polo shirt that has circled checkered things on my shoulders and a vest a black one,some pants black one and some black boots and wore a face mask ofcourse colored blue it has a 4 petal flower in the side colored white.I then went to the kitchen to cook food.And after i ate i went to the office.

"Oh hello blue"the girl smiled"hello black"i smiled back and we talked about something's."Oh and blue were gonna have a meeting with red so let's go?""sure"i smiled then leave to my room.I grabbed my gun a swordfish to be exact and a pistol with my bear tommy.And i went outside to the helicopter to see black already there with the pilot crystal and i sat and then we flew away to norway.

[tori's pov]

       We got to our destination

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