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Hope's POV:

"Zed for prez! Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not zom-can't-be."

"I'm sorry Zed, but that's the worst slogan I've ever heard." I told him. He gave me an annoyed look as I shrugged.

"Okay, here's our platform. We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria" Eliza said.

"Right." Zed agreed.

"Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language" 


"And how to overthrow your opperessors after school club." 

"Eliza." Zed said.

"Sorry, right. Don't over promise." Eliza said.

"But more importantly, we allow zombies at Prawn." Zed said.

"Good luck, Mr. Future President" Addison says as she walks over to us.

"Hey Zed, did you hear? Addie's being tested for captain, and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow." Bree said clapping.

"It's not big deal." Addison said making Bree stare at her in disbelief. "Okay, It's huge."

From somewhere else Lacey said: "A huge chance to fail."

"If Addie aces this practice, oh my gosh, she's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins. He's so gonna win, because you know, elections, they're just like these big old popularity contests. And Bucky is super popular."

Zed cleared his throat, making her realize what she was saying:"Thanks, Bree."

"I know It's weird I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but..."

"No, that just means neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want. And I can live with that."

"Me too. You'll do great, Zed." Addison said.

Zed gave her one of the flyers and they continued to shout: "Zed for prez!"


"With cheer fans in Bucky's camp and zombies and the football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle. Werewolves are the swing vote."

"Wolves are key to winning this election. But you know winning over the wolves is going to be hard." Eliza said.

"Trust me, I got this. We're going to win the wolves votes, and more. We just have to show them how to fit in, like us. Easy." Zed said.

"But wolves are very cool." I said as Zedd and Eliza looked at me strangely. "What? I like them. And without trying to make them fit in, they're amazing."

"But you'll help us, right?" Zed asks me.

"Yes, of course. I'm just saying they're fine without us interfering, but I'll help you." I said.

The bell rang and the wolves howled, making us flinch. I really forgot that scene.


Addison and I were in the library and we passed Wyatt who was holding a book upside down. Addison returned to him and turned the book properly.

"Okay, this is a little bit werid." Addison told me.

"Yeah, you're right." I said, barely holding back a laugh. This was one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

Addison and I walked over to the table where Bree was and saw Winter walking around her. She tore one of the pages out of Bree's notebook and ate it:
"Hey, that dog just ate my homework!"

I laughed lightly again. "At least Bree now has an excuse that might work in this situation."

Addison and I sat down and Willa slammed two books on the table.

"Lies! These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Addison said sadly.

"There's a lot you don't know." 

"I'm sorry, but we only know what is written in these books. This was a hundred years ago, and we have no way of knowing what is 100% true." I said looking at Willa.

Willa raised an eyebrow at me but said nothing and took the books and walked towards the exit.

"I know the alarm's going to go off If you don't check out these books." Addison said.

Willa threw her necklace at the scanners and they broke down without making a sound as she left.

I looked amazed. "That was so amazing! This is another one of my favorite scenes!"

Wyatt leaned toward us: "Our necklaces have a way with electronics." 

After saying this, he and the other wolves left. Addison and Bree and I looked at each other.

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