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860 CE - Woraiyur

The Vijayala Cholan, who is the emperor of the great Chola empire, just finished his day off with all court matters and is trying to spend some time with his family as all he has done in the last few years is wage war and capture multiple kingdoms and make sure to spread Chola empire around. They are at their strongest and do not hope to back down again. As important as the kingdom is, his family is too important to him.

But at the last moment, his Senathipathy requested him to wait for some time as there was an urgent situation to discuss. He couldn't say no because it was his request for Senathipathy(Military Commander).

They passed multiple rooms and reached the dark corner, which held a secret room where they often conducted private and, more importantly, war meetings, but Chola king was curious why the sudden meeting was happening there.

'My king, sorry for disturbing you, but our kingdom astrologer comes with very important news. ' Vijayala Chola nodded and sat to hear what he wanted to say.

'My King, today, while I was doing my regular prayer, I noticed that something strange would happen in the future, and a voice called out to me; it's a prophecy.' His words made others in the room question what it might be,

'What's the Prophecy, Sothidare(Astrologer)?' asks the royal king, surrounded by all his men who help keep the kingdom flourishing as much as possible.

'Eyes like pure crystal water, skin like golden hue, and mind like cosmic energy, along with the power of Parvati Devi herself, will be visiting the kingdom soon.' The astrologer's words made others smile as if it was a good thing, but the astrologer held his hand for them to stop reacting and listen entirely.

'It says that she might be the cause of many things and also she is a part of two which would never get along, but both wanted her to themself as she is the change they are waiting for.' Now, everyone has completely lost it.

'So it's a good thing or bad omen?' One of them asked.

'It's up to who she chooses or what she wants, but without her, there will be no event to process.' Senthathipathi wants to protect her even before knowing the girl who will change the event's course.

'When will she be here? Like will she be born to one of the children?' Vijayalaya Chola now wanted to meet this divine child, and he wanted to ensure she was respected.

'One can't measure the event, my king, and as much as I tried to see when she will be born, the numbers don't feel right. I am sure the kingdom will meet her one day, but I am not sure we will be here then.' The news caused others to smile and vanish. If it's true, this will happen in the future, and they will not be here to witness the process.

'So we need to ensure this information is passed to the upcoming generation so it will be noticed. Do you have any more details?' Chola King wants to gather as many details as possible.

'Not much. I saw a red ruby ring adorning her fingers, and two birthmarks covered the sides of her hands. On one side, the birthmark resembles our emblem Tiger, and on the other end, I am not sure, but it resembles a fish. I may be wrong, But I again think it will be Pandya's symbol.'

They ensured that the news would only be circulated within the royal family and that no one outside the palace would know about this. They bid respect, and the King returned to his room, where his wife awaited him. His children, who are almost teenagers, surrounded the room with laughter.

His smile widened, and he sat down to inform the audience about today's event about an extraordinary girl coming to meet them soon. The Prophecy has been passed on to generations, hoping the prophecy would come true one day and they can identify her when that happens before others do.

But the former King doesn't know that that night, when the Prophecy was read, it was also spied on and sent to his rival kingdom, The Pandyas. They, too, passed this information and determined to make sure to have the girl one way or another.


Let me know your thoughts, guys!!

I am very excited to start this one. I love having Cholas and Pandya fiction here and want to create one myself. 

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